That weird e-reader thing is one of the small touches I love about it. Among other things, it really gives the movie this out-of-time feeling. Which I think adds to the uneasiness of it as a whole.
Spooky season will be over soon but we still have time to binge some Halloween favorites so share your favorite scary movie recommendations in this thread.
Cube is so underrated! Even the sequels are pretty decent. If you can get past the low budget and questionable acting, it’s a fun movie with an interesting premise.
I still rewatch Event Horizon like once a year. It really doesn’t hold up all that well, but it’s a classic that I loved as a kid. I wish Paul W.S. Anderson would do more like it instead of a million terrible movies starring his wife.
Smile was better than I was expecting. It wasn’t great, but a lot of cool, creepy imagery kept me interested.
And The Wailing is something every horror fan should see. It’s so good. Korean Horror is almost always worth a watch.
How did this slip under my radar? I love Elijah Wood’s project choices the last decade. He takes chances and makes some weird stuff that I love. Thanks for the rec!
This sounds interesting. I love horror in non-traditional settings. Western Horror is incredibly underused. The only one that comes to mind is Bone Tomahawk, which is a must see if you haven’t. Thanks for the suggestion!
‘It Follows’ Sequel ‘They Follow’ With Maika Monroe Launches At AFM Via NEON (
Happy Halloween! Share your favorite scary movie suggestions! (
Spooky season will be over soon but we still have time to binge some Halloween favorites so share your favorite scary movie recommendations in this thread.
It's the little things (