You better make sure that 14yr old nephew is allowed to watch mature/graphic content. It has a lot of sexual and violent themes that some parents might not be too happy with.
I can only enjoy the game in small doses tbh. I need to take breaks since it weirdly uses a lot of my brain to make decisions and pick dialogue.
I love to just have them on, in the background. These movies are self-aware. The Netflix equivalent has its own universe with internal references to each other, which includes fake countries, maps, etc. I’m no joke invested in the Netflix Christmas-verse or whatever the fuck.
Hallmark is a little less fun to watch, but still quality rubbish. Everyone knows it’s over the top. The actors, producers, and writers are all in on it. I’m not saying that makes them good. They are still bad. But when you watch them knowing the content is almost intentionally cringe, it’s a bit better. With a slight shift in perspective and perhaps a bit of squinting, you can see the Christmas overtures as nothing more than satire. Last year, one movie just threw in a vague reference to Santa. No beard. No glasses. Just a guy who wore a red coat and occasionally would get 1-3 seconds on camera breaking the fourth wall. He had like one line. No gifts. No reindeer. Never interacting with the Christmas Couple. Just essentially an old dude in red. To me, that’s the height of humor. It’s like they’re just wafting a single sprig of holly over the film in the editing room. I crack up every time.
Vi is meant for old school and modern terminals. Ctrl+S or Ctrl+C had very particular purposes in software control flow. With Vi you can communicate via SSH on almost any unix file system. It’s basically a universal editor that doesn’t require a mouse or a lot of keys on a keyboard. You can get away with just a subset of the ASCII set.
So for one, it’s kind of like having a backwards compatible piece of software that exists on almost any system you might need to remotely control via a keyboard with no GUI.
For two, once you do learn how to use Vi/Vim/Emacs, you’ll be far faster at typing. It has several useful tricks for automating typing (faster copy/paste, copy/paste n-times, jump around lines/chars, go-to lines, search via Regex, etc.) which are particularly useful in a programming context.
Generally, it’s worth a developer spending at least a day or a week typing only in Vi for programming. Yes, you’ll be slow and clunky. But the moment you have to SSH into a server and make meaningful changes to a file, you’ll be happy you spent the time.
Linux Mint: removed all taskbars from the desktop. I was hoping it would just allow me to reset them to the default. But in reality, it breaks the GUI and it’s very hard to reset from the GUI. Suddenly my keystrokes weren’t being detected and I couldn’t open up applications with any sort of regularity. After a lot of dicking around, I got the terminal working so I could reset Cinnamon.
It’s not the worst way I’ve broken a machine. But it was one of the most annoying.