1910 Russia... That was about as good as it was going to get for about a decade, and even then life was likely shit for them. It was just going to get so much worse.
The revolution actually improved the lives of most Russians, at the expense of making the lives of non-Russians quite a bit worse.
Then Stalin came to power and promoted the "science" of a guy named Trofim Lysenko. Millions starved to death, and then the Soviets exported the flawed science to China in what had to have been a psyop, and millions more starved.
Which just lends more weight to the theory that the Soviets, and Stalin in particular, were fond of weaponizing famine, because it happened again and again, always at the expense of people who were not ethnically Russian.
There was Rory Williams as the main standout, but Martha Jones was working as a nurse when she joined the show. She was still at the end of Med School, and it was a (very minor) plot point at one point when she earned her doctorate.
Strax also counts, Well, he did until the Doctor screwed up and got him killed. The resurrected Strax was not much of a nurse.
There were a few more who were outright medical doctors when they joined the show. One was a British Navy surgeon, and the one that might not count, the cardiologist from the Doctor Who movie, which most people sort of ignore.
You sound like someone who has never ridden a bike through broken terrain.
I'll argue that the "flat" used by the comment above might be better taken on a more granular level. You can go up and down mountains just fine so long as there are no logs, large rocks, pits, or gullies that are in the way.
I was doing some D&D world building a while back and wanted to really dive into transportation of people/goods and found the same problem. Tenser’s Floating Disk is a very low level wizard spell that basically does away with all but the heaviest ships and carts.
It's the same for the trek universe. They have personal transportation methods that mean there's literally zero need for a bicycle for anything other than recreation.
Hell, Lower Decks opens with Mariner pushing around a hover cart full of stuff. It's literally the cold open of the entire series.
If you can have a hover cart like that, then why bother with a bike? Need to move stuff to a remote area? Get the hover cart, you don't need to cut a trail, just go over the obstacles. And that's if the transporter doesn't work if the first place to beam the people and equipment to a nearby area.
I've never liked Bat'leths. They're bad. They make zero sense as a weapon.
Wielded in both hands, it have all the reach of a large knife, but none of the maneuverability.
You can kind of use a Bat'leth one-handed, but it's clumsy and not at all balanced. It makes for wild swings that are more likely to hurt you or your friends than the enemy.
You can sort of block with them, if the opponent is going to make an overhead chop. That looks cool on screen, but if the warrior with a Bat'leth was facing a warrior with a simple sword and shield, the warrior with the Bat'leth would fucking die.
It's just a bad weapon, and looks like it was made to impress mall ninjas.
The guy who designed it for Worf in TNG, was inspired by a Chinese single-handed weapon. That weapon was not widely used because it wasn't actually that good.
Still, the deer horn knives are theoretically a sound choice for a weapon, provided your goal is to disable the opponents while likely getting skewered from range.
The Bat'leth is just a useless hunk of metal.
It was designed to be showy and look interesting on camera, not as a practical weapon, and it really does fail as a practical weapon.
The payoff of that story is far better as well. In Generations, Data uses the emotion chip, then at the end, digging through the wreckage of the Enterprise, they find Spot. Data cries tears of joy.
Never. They use the same spacing between degrees. The Kelvin scale was derived from the Celsius scale, just placing the 0° at absolute zero rather than at the freezing point of water.
The vast majority of ocean plastic comes from fishing boats, we're just told it's from land based sources so that major factory fishing firms can continue to pollute but make you feel guilty for dropping a straw in the trashcan.