I learned it the semi hard way to not fight back. I did it once and imediatly got “fucked” by the teacher. That I had complained to the teacher and even the principal didn’t bother them. So instead of fighting back I let all the bad things I experienced burn into me to a point where I just wanted to kill myself. Holidays temporarily restored my will to live but it wasn’t until 8th or 9th grade that stopped thinking about killing myself, since most bullies either dropped out or changed schools.
OK, so I downloaded and installed your mentioned crack. The problem is, that if I run it with wine the game doesn’t work. I mean, it works fine, but this one dude doesn’t talk to me and at one point my vehicle just drives against a wall. Haven’t tried running it in steam yet.
That’s it. The great availability of streamed music(and downloaded for a fair price) is the reason why there aren’t that much people who pirate music anymore, since it’s easier to get it the legal way.
I could have installed Linux arch in LESS time, a version known to be finicky and HARD.
I recently had to install arch 3 times since. First time I fucked up, second try the system fucked up and third time worked. With me trying to fix the system this took me 2-3 hours. Most of them trying to fix the second install. The third time I used the installation script(which didn’t worked in the beginning) which made the install easy as hell taking about 10 minutes configuring the install and about 5 minutes installing everything. Later I just had to install gnome which were about 10 minutes total.
Just had to reinstall arch 3 times yesterday, since the installation script fucked up the partitioning.
Reinstall nr1(manually, since the script didn’t work): I forgot to add users and couldn’t log into my machine Reinstall nr2(manually): my mirror lists was so fucked up that I couldn’t install or update packages(there also were some missing databases) Reinstall nr3(script) : finally everything worked.