My point is that a lot of homeless people aren’t to be trusted to take care of the space they live in. There would have to be some screening to make sure that these people are capable of not destroying the public good they are being offered for free. I don’t think it’s really debatable that there are some truly awful homeless people, violent, mean, entitled, and not fit to live in a proper society. It’s something people need to face the facts on. So we need to find out how to help the good homeless people before we let the bad ones ruin it for the rest of them.
I disagree that giving drug addicts a free and unlimited supply of drugs is the best way to fight drug addiction. Treatment (with forced holds) I’m a proponent of.
I didn’t make any claims about housing first policy, read the comment you are replying to. I know you barely looked at the articles because they are not about the same single hotel.
80’s crime world movies are fascist propaganda by the way.
We’ve really turned the word “fascist propaganda” to mean anything that goes against your worldview. There are definitely crazed homeless people who do not care one bit about committing needless violence. I’ve experienced it first hand. Back when I lived in NYC there were some of the absolutely most deranged people I’ve ever seen in my life, one guy stabbed a indian knick knack stall owner with a piece of glass for legitimately no reason. The guy almost died. It is what it is, but I think burying your head in the sand is not really a viable way forward.
You said it was disproven, how can something be disproved if you only tested it during a really short time period? Maybe you meant to say “evidence suggests” but that’s much different than something being disproven
why do homeless people care about curfews they don’t have any pressing matters they need to deal with past 9pm other than scoring drugs and committing crimes. nothing good happens past 9pm