If you’re not aware, the hack was performed by Arion Kurtaj, an 18 year old, who has been put in prison a psych ward in a uk prison. He hacked rockstar at a hotel, where he was left with no computers or phones, only to find that the TV had a chromecast, which he used to buy a phone and a keyboard (presumably by selling his monero).
He hacked into all major uk telcom providers: EE, BT and Orange.
He hacked into nvidia
This kid deserves a 7-8 digits salary as a pentester, not prison; plenty of pentesting companies would hire him in a heartbeat.
Don’t get me wrong, he deserves a long and drawn out lesson on morals, but also a stellar salary where he can do what he’s doing for the right side.
EDIT: I have made a mistake in my original comment, which has been pointed out. My bad, he’s technically in a psych ward in a uk prison, because he’s aggressive and unstable. I still stand by what I said (and what I clarified in the comments below), but I wanted to correct the record
I have not made any assumptions, this has been shared multiple times in different articles which I did not write. As for the Chromecast, I misremembered, it was an Amazon Firestick.
ci" means change inside “” ca" means change around “”
the " can be replaced with any of: ({[wspbt
For changing inside or around parentheses, curky brackets, square brackets, words, sentences, paragraphs, code blocks and HTML tags respectively.
So for example if you want to replace all parameters in a function call you just do ci(
But that’s not all, the c is one of the possible operators, but not the only one.
di{ deletes the content of a block ya[ copies the content of something inside square brackets g~iw swaps the case of a word guis makes a sentence lower case gUip makes a paragraph upper case
And the most useless one: g?at replaces the content of an HTML tag with its rot13
Haha I’m glad that he switched sides honestly, but after listening him talk about his childhood in an interview I’m not even surprised that he did what he did
This is someone you can never count on to do anything they don’t want to do. Someone who will destroy things if they don’t get their way. Triple letters won’t touch him.
definitely, but people can change
a lot of this was social engineering
people always have a high and mighty mentality when talking about social engineering, most attacks today use some form of social engineering and have for a long time, if not always.
The kid was an idiot and a dickhead. He extorted companies and sim swapped people for his private gain, and was stupid enough to continue his hacking spree while he was on bail for another hack.
Yeah I don’t think anyone here disagrees with that; his actions are objectively wrong and as I said, he definitely needs to learn morals and ethics.
Samsung Dex over Miracast (which the news liked to present as some kind of amazing hacking feat)
I mean, duh, the media can’t tell the difference between a computer and a toaster, but that’s besides the point
He’s violent, damaging property and injuring staff.
I didn’t know about this, thanks for sharing. Can I get a source?
I don’t get what this “he deserves a stellar salary” mentality comes from
I’m a firm believer in meritocracy and the importance of rewarding skills. He should still pay a hefty price for his crimes, including jail time, where he will hopefully learn to change his ways, but once he gets out, if he’s truly remorseful for his actions and he’s willing to have others monitor his device usage activities, I don’t see why he shouldn’t be hired by a red team
that’s exactly my point tho, he needs to understand why what he did was objectively wrong, and needs to understand that actions have consequences, but he’s still a teenager, and one with autism at that, there is plenty of time for him to change sides
He can learn once he understands the repercussions of his actions. Remember that he’s an autistic teenager, he has a lot to learn about life and especially morality.
MIT is a terrible license that only got popular because of the popularity of the anti-open source movement in the last decade.
one could write books about what’s wrong with the MIT license.
It could even theoretically be argued that MIT has in some ways allowed big tech companies to proliferate, by effectively allowing them to take open-source code, modify it, and then close it off in their proprietary software. What does this mean? It means that the work of countless dedicated open-source developers can be co-opted by companies that have done almost none of the work, reaping several billions of dollars, while the developers who actually did the work make no money. It’s like opening your doors wide only to have someone come in, take your stuff, and sell it back to you.
In contrast, in licenses like the GPL, there’s a requirement that if you use GPL-licensed code and modify it, your new code also has to be open-source under the GPL.