No matter when/how this show ends, it’ll be the same way, and it’ll be far too soon.
Also: is Pike aware that he’s functionally immortal until the clock runs out? There’s ample evidence that his future is unavoidable, so he’d have to come to this conclusion by now, right?
Considering what goes into the more hard-core outfits, they deserve respect for their dedication. And there are lots of outlets for that too, which is great (e.g. SCA).
However, if someone gets their tabbard in a bunch because some sci-fi cosplayers ruined their sense of immersion, at what is arguably a pay-to-enter medieval-themed shopping mall, they may deserve what they get.
A lot of the Faire folk I have met are just happy people are participating and having a good time, and if you put effort into a costume, even better.
These people are the backbone of every Faire. Huzzah!
Don’t know where that comes from, but I think it has to do with the institutionalized authoritative power that comes with the job. Both are positions that can be abused, and can negatively impact people’s lives.
On the other hand, my past landlords were nowhere near as helpful about noise complaints, as the police. So there’s that.
Best Captain in Starfleet (
No I’m not accepting any arguments, thank you
The Department of Temporal Investigations is on the case (
Look, I'm guilty too. (
I’ve been trying and it is genuinely difficult. ETA: This isn’t a dig at anyone. Love you all.
Forever and always (
Sorry I can't help myself. (