I won’t abide stanning for the billionaire class or calls to impotent civility. I very much have in my heart EXACTLY the spirit of what /r/HailCorporate was and if you doubt that, you are exactly the type of corporatist cuck that I created this community to reveal.
Now to characterize your privileged perspective:
“I have no sympathy for marginalized groups, quite literally pleading for their lives. If they wanted my sympathy, they should have done so more politely!”
I did some weird stuff with a custom Hue CLI Module for my lab. It’s a fun little, fairly kludgey example of something you could spin up super easily.
In Haskell (much of the time), they say if it compiles it ships! It’s a lazily-evaluated language which lends itself well to a config and it slots right into NixOS quite well since Nix is also a lazily evaluated purely functional language.
735 would take like 20 minutes in parallel if all of the wage slaves got together wherever each billionaire is and gave them what they have coming. And boy do they have it coming!
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible (by buying up our politicians, governments, and news-media) will make violent revolution inevitable.
If you want, here’s my config. Feel free to fork it.
github.com/harryprayiv/nix-config (you’ll have the most luck with the “plutus_vm” machine config output in my flake at first since the main output in my config is somewhat obscured by encryption).
I also have a Nix-Darwin config that I haven’t consolidated into my main one: