He and Thatcher were instrumental in bringing neoliberalism into mainstream politics. Neoliberalism differs from classical liberalism in that its about freeing capital and not people. This directly led to all the problems we face today with a government that used to be by and for the people but now the only people the government serves are the corporations we gave out rights to.
That’s why my mom bought me an Amega 4000. It was a birthday present. Never got that Video Toaster and never did get into animation back then but I had Brilliance and used it allot. I cant remember for sure but I think I remember the os being more Unix like. God I loved that machine!
Ever since I saw Beyond the Minds Eye I’ve wanted to do computer animation.
QI with Stephen Fry was absolute gold! Sandi is great too. Anything with David Mitchell is awesome. I think my favorite is Johnny Vegas, that guy is a riot. Bill Baily, Phill Juputus,Sean Lock coming to think of it there wasn’t anyone on that show I didn’t love.
Testdisk, clamxTK, rkhunter or chkrootkit, mobile verification toolkit, lshw, time shift maybe deja-dup.
I think your idea is a good one. Like a linux Swiss Army knife. You can have lots of tools that you don’t need all the time but might be handy in a pinch. Especially if you don’t have internet.
If I had enough property and could afford a great life for a few horse’s I would absolutely use them as my daily transportation/friend. Love to have a donkey and a couple of pack goats too.
Evil Dead 1&2, Army of Darkness are some of my favorite movies growing up. Just rewatched The Howling and it was good but not as good a American Werewolf in London. Friday the 13th and the Hellrazor series were awesome. Lost boys etc. The Gate. Pet Cemetery, Sometimes They Come Back and Cats Eye I thought were great Stephen King adaptations. I really enjoyed The Cube for its creativity and small set.
Still its the SciFi horrors get me the most. Alien series was awesome and Event Horizon were awesome. Something about having nowhere to escape to I think.