Oh sure yeah let me just start fact checking by subscribing to every kind of scientific journal, calling up various libraries and universities to check relevant studies, and ask lawyers and legislators every single time somebody says something questionable or puts something misleading on a label instead of using a search engine.
EDIT: It feels like some people aren’t getting the joke, to clarify all of these words mean roughly the same thing but are a few years apart from each other.
I have a multivariate calculus joke and it’s pretty normal but its goes on quite the tangent.
EDIT: Can somebody think of a better subject name for this joke? I tried physics at first but that’s too broad and I think Calculus is too specific so idk.
My problem is the way it’s packaged as a link to a website that hosts the jpeg image. Saving, modifying, and using the image file becomes impossible in some workflows. Imagine a future where you get fined for stealing memes. I bet they could make the image file size even smaller without all of that bullshit added in, until then I’m just using an extension to convert to png (which results in loss btw).
If I didn’t have an extension to convert to PNG then idk what I would do. I guess I’d just stop sharing memes forever because the corporates made meme sharing technology proprietary? That’s sad as hell.