I actually really like Chrome OS myself. For the people around me who are less tech literate, Chrome OS is actually great. It’s quite easy to support. It’s fast, and it’s got a really good ecosystem now thanks to all the integrations.
none, you aren’t using gpu, just whatever cpu is the fastest. if you want gpu acceleration you have to specify it. and keep note gpu acceleration is less efficient then cpu so your files will be bigger. though at preset fast it might actually be pretty close
I didnt even remotely imply that x11 doesn’t have issues, so im not sure why that was brought up. The goal is to make wayland an acceptable and universal replacement, Everyone knows x11 is dying but wayland isnt ready to replace it yet
Things like window embedding, the wayland way is for each app to have it’s own embedded compositor. Wayland has no support for things like overlays/always on top (Useful for OSKs PR has been made but like all wayland things, we might not get it for another couple years, or perhaps never), currently missing support for reading other window states (PR made for this as well, but again, who knows how long it will take), Still no support for window positioning (again PR made), Emulated input events (libei is not universally supported) And these are just the ones off the top of my head, There were others but I cant think of them ATM
so I don’t know if they run their own apps, or if they run Linux programs. If they run Linux programs, then it’s just a case of finding one that controls your specific camera, and has the controls that you want.
we can run linux desktop, linux mobile or android apps, but camera support in waydroid is broken for a while when using v4l2
correct, this is the same issue, this generally really only happens with a sustained all core workload that will consistently leave you cpu at 100%, since if it’s not sustained, the kernel will allot some time to the programs, and the crash wont happen
while this is good on theory, when your CPU is being absolutely hammered, you need to re-adjust priorities to make a system responsive again, it’s actually not a simple thing to do without a context aware scheduler. Even though EEVDF is pretty good, it still struggles some times
this is a wayland issue. Due to how wayland works, it cannot drop messages, this means if the messages stop being accepted (IE. the program becomes very slow and not very responsive) the application will wind up dying. EEVDF helped resolve a lot of these issues. but they arent gone yet.
a fairly easy replication cause is to start a large rust project compile since cargo will thread to oblivion if it gets the chance, then use the PC on wayland. Applications can frequently die, Firefox, MPV, Kate, gnome web, chromium, games, etc. it also doesn’t matter what compositor you use right now as gnome, kde sway all share the issue
EEVDF really does help stop a lot of these crashing though
virtio-sound likely will eventually and ufs probably will too. the gpu driver is being worked on by a third party, but it’s still using virgl so I doubt it will be very preformant