It’s not as dramatic for me but it’s still bad. I myself freed at least 20 Gb from my computer when I remove flat pack and all of its crap. and migrated my apps to aur myself.
EEVDF has been an insane improvement for the desktop, I can compile programs while listening to music and watching videos without any issues since the update, the responsiveness when my computer is maxed out is amazing, and the perf hasn’t lessened any noticeable amount
quicksync really doesn’t have good quality:compression buying a used nvidia gpu and using that would be far better. but really, any moderatly up to date cpu should get good x265 or svtav1 perf
Yes this is indeed what I said. but well calling gpu encoders “worse” isnt really fair, it’s all trade offs, they for sure have worse efficiency as we both said, but their speed is significantly faster usually. I would say that doesn’t make the encoder “worse” just different.
I wish I was that lucky, the final straw for me was the grub-customizer shenanigans, manjaro pushed an update that broke grub customizer boot entries, then when users were trying to figure it out, they removed grub customizer, and then they even went so far as to make grub conflict with grub-customizer which was really asinine. IIRC they even wound up locking the forum thread on it
a few reasons I think, the QT bindings are split between cxx-qt and qmetaobject-rs . Neither of which are super great IMO, but even if they were, we have UI frame works like slint and egui which are already becoming quite good, slint has a good native look that resembles QT so people wanting that design can use that instead.
well, I’m not sure traditional is the right word, multiseat has been used for a very long time. It used to be a bit better supported. The issue is that since the migration to wayland, it has become… a lot less supported. It is still possible, but most of the guides are x11 guides for a reason.
EDIT: I should say I hope seatd at some point could support multiseat but at the current time I don’t think it has any facilities to, systemd-logind / elogind do support multiseat, but I dont currently use them
It’s worth stating that QT is an optional backend and is only used for native styling, even the pure rust, Native styling still looks close to native. QT is fully optional and is not a dep even for linux apps
is there a way to be certain? not absolutely however simply being up to date will make the risk pretty much negligible. you probably have a higher risk of catching an STD from eating food after a day of wearing gloves and other protective gear
I generally don’t really think this is the case, there are still plenty of apps from other languages in QT. in fact, for cross platform apps, QT is immensely more popular then GTK is. Rust itself had disproportionately less apps developed in QT then other stuff, (Python for instance). especially when you consider cross platform. and at least for open source anyways. closed source I cant comment on