I wish I was that lucky, the final straw for me was the grub-customizer shenanigans, manjaro pushed an update that broke grub customizer boot entries, then when users were trying to figure it out, they removed grub customizer, and then they even went so far as to make grub conflict with grub-customizer which was really asinine. IIRC they even wound up locking the forum thread on it
interesting, do you know what they were using for input? if they have an encompassing solution that could be great. if they just use xdg remotedesktop, well thats about what I have now anyways T.T
I guess AOSP is barebones, but it’s not like anything is being abandoned that matters, AOSP itself is still alive, kicking, and thriving. Interesting to hear that people consider Android, AOSP + proprietary bits. It’s not something i’ve used myself