You can run different userland drivers but not kernel drivers. Thankfully the kernel drivers are pretty much unified for AMD. to use the proprietary ones, install the appropriate driver in the distrobox container.
Vulkan and Opengl are different drivers so you will need to figure out the flags you need to set appropriately. arch wiki is a food resource for this.
For rocm and stuff make sure your kernel has the necessary bits, this will be distro specific, but I can at least say arch will work fine simply. and fedors too iirc
I just inherited a handful of Samsung Series 7 Slate PCs that I’d like to rebuild to be as “tablet-like” as possible for a few non-technical friends and family. They power up but arrived with non-functional Windows 7 installs. They’re Intel Core i5s with 4G RAM and 128G SSDs, so they should run pretty well under any...
Okay, you’re not going to believe this, I was permanently banned from r/Piracy for no apparent reason! All I did was ask for help to acquire a free version of some softwares that could be useful....
I really don’t like nate’s take here. IMO it’s really not that good, Wayland is still outright lacking features, even when using the craptastic xdg portals junk
I didnt even remotely imply that x11 doesn’t have issues, so im not sure why that was brought up. The goal is to make wayland an acceptable and universal replacement, Everyone knows x11 is dying but wayland isnt ready to replace it yet
Things like window embedding, the wayland way is for each app to have it’s own embedded compositor. Wayland has no support for things like overlays/always on top (Useful for OSKs PR has been made but like all wayland things, we might not get it for another couple years, or perhaps never), currently missing support for reading other window states (PR made for this as well, but again, who knows how long it will take), Still no support for window positioning (again PR made), Emulated input events (libei is not universally supported) And these are just the ones off the top of my head, There were others but I cant think of them ATM
Among the Firefox Wayland bugs, one of the top crash bugs is over a lost connection to a Wayland compositor. For dealing with it is to have a proxy between Firefox and the Wayland compositor to cache messages and prevent compositor message queue overflows.
this is a wayland issue. Due to how wayland works, it cannot drop messages, this means if the messages stop being accepted (IE. the program becomes very slow and not very responsive) the application will wind up dying. EEVDF helped resolve a lot of these issues. but they arent gone yet.
a fairly easy replication cause is to start a large rust project compile since cargo will thread to oblivion if it gets the chance, then use the PC on wayland. Applications can frequently die, Firefox, MPV, Kate, gnome web, chromium, games, etc. it also doesn’t matter what compositor you use right now as gnome, kde sway all share the issue
EEVDF really does help stop a lot of these crashing though
virtio-sound likely will eventually and ufs probably will too. the gpu driver is being worked on by a third party, but it’s still using virgl so I doubt it will be very preformant
It’s not as dramatic for me but it’s still bad. I myself freed at least 20 Gb from my computer when I remove flat pack and all of its crap. and migrated my apps to aur myself.
EEVDF has been an insane improvement for the desktop, I can compile programs while listening to music and watching videos without any issues since the update, the responsiveness when my computer is maxed out is amazing, and the perf hasn’t lessened any noticeable amount
none, you aren’t using gpu, just whatever cpu is the fastest. if you want gpu acceleration you have to specify it. and keep note gpu acceleration is less efficient then cpu so your files will be bigger. though at preset fast it might actually be pretty close
I currently have a PC running Windows 11 that my S/O and I use multi-seated with Aster Multiseat. However, we’re both equally sick of Windows and are interested in switching to Linux....
well, I’m not sure traditional is the right word, multiseat has been used for a very long time. It used to be a bit better supported. The issue is that since the migration to wayland, it has become… a lot less supported. It is still possible, but most of the guides are x11 guides for a reason.
EDIT: I should say I hope seatd at some point could support multiseat but at the current time I don’t think it has any facilities to, systemd-logind / elogind do support multiseat, but I dont currently use them
I always see new GTK apps popup on Flathub. I dont really care and think GTK looks fancy, although CSD suck a bit and they waste space and often functionality....
a few reasons I think, the QT bindings are split between cxx-qt and qmetaobject-rs . Neither of which are super great IMO, but even if they were, we have UI frame works like slint and egui which are already becoming quite good, slint has a good native look that resembles QT so people wanting that design can use that instead.
I had good luck walking my nephew through installing and setting up arch. Great introduction into linux, he was 13 but thats close enough to the given range
Decided to dip my toes in so I followed the guide to a website where I can download some content via google drive. Like an idiot, I didn’t research the risks of direct downloads before and so I’m now a bit paranoid. I understand the chances are low and my media player needs to be exploited but is there a way to be certain? A...
is there a way to be certain? not absolutely however simply being up to date will make the risk pretty much negligible. you probably have a higher risk of catching an STD from eating food after a day of wearing gloves and other protective gear
Hello, yesterday I officially released Louvre v1.0.0, a C++ library designed for building Wayland compositors with a primary focus on ease of development. It provides a default method for handling protocols, input events, and rendering, which you can selectively and progressively override as required, allowing you to see a...
This post will guide you on how to install and run pirate releases of games on Linux. Basic knowledge (how to install stuff, get around files, opening the terminal) is assumed....
why so it can break on me because I sneezed wrong? I cant even make a fresh install on windows on my laptop because windows updates will occur, and will brick the device necessitating a reinstall.
Can I run a different GPU driver in distrobox ?
I don’t want to change drivers on my host Distro as I want to game on it. I’m currently using the open source amdgpu drivers for my rx 6600....
TIL that operating system Linux is an example of anarcho-communism (
Looking for a good tablet PC distro
I just inherited a handful of Samsung Series 7 Slate PCs that I’d like to rebuild to be as “tablet-like” as possible for a few non-technical friends and family. They power up but arrived with non-functional Windows 7 installs. They’re Intel Core i5s with 4G RAM and 128G SSDs, so they should run pretty well under any...
Happy new year of the Linux Desktop!
Isn't this why a piracy forum exists?
Okay, you’re not going to believe this, I was permanently banned from r/Piracy for no apparent reason! All I did was ask for help to acquire a free version of some softwares that could be useful....
Does Wayland really break everything? (Nate Graham's OG post ref'd in the Phoronix article) (
linux phone with external camera?
How good would the experience be with a linux phone and an external camera?...
Wayland-Proxy Load Balancer Helping Firefox Cope With Wayland Issues (
Among the Firefox Wayland bugs, one of the top crash bugs is over a lost connection to a Wayland compositor. For dealing with it is to have a proxy between Firefox and the Wayland compositor to cache messages and prevent compositor message queue overflows.
QEMU 8.2 Released With New VirtIO-Sound & VirtIO-GPU "Rutabaga" Devices (
Flatpak can look daunting... (
An EEVDF CPU scheduler for Linux [] (
Intel or AMD for ffmpeg?
With no graphics card specific compilation to the ffmpeg, which among intel or AMD is better for executing...
Manjaro OS
So I’ve been iso live testing Manjaro KDE Plasma lately and it looks very polished....
What is the state of Multiseat in Linux today?
I currently have a PC running Windows 11 that my S/O and I use multi-seated with Aster Multiseat. However, we’re both equally sick of Windows and are interested in switching to Linux....
Why are there so many (rust) GTK apps and so little Qt ones?
I always see new GTK apps popup on Flathub. I dont really care and think GTK looks fancy, although CSD suck a bit and they waste space and often functionality....
Project Bluefin: A Linux Desktop for Serious Developers (
From The New Stack
Any experience with teaching kids Linux?
Any one here has any experience with teaching 8 to 12 years old kids Linux?
How to check a direct downloaded mkv file
Decided to dip my toes in so I followed the guide to a website where I can download some content via google drive. Like an idiot, I didn’t research the risks of direct downloads before and so I’m now a bit paranoid. I understand the chances are low and my media player needs to be exploited but is there a way to be certain? A...
Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA) (
Louvre: C++ library for building Wayland compositors. (
Hello, yesterday I officially released Louvre v1.0.0, a C++ library designed for building Wayland compositors with a primary focus on ease of development. It provides a default method for handling protocols, input events, and rendering, which you can selectively and progressively override as required, allowing you to see a...
The simplest guide to pirating games on Linux
This post will guide you on how to install and run pirate releases of games on Linux. Basic knowledge (how to install stuff, get around files, opening the terminal) is assumed....