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dumpsterlid, (edited )

Yeah this kind of attitude is never a productive strategy unless you want to surround yourself only with assholes. It also demonstrates a complete lack of ability to manage humans and keep your values straight when you become upset and stressed out, which is a massive red flag to hold up as someone running a project.

In general it seems like a lot of people get into computers because they think it is a magic fantasy land where you don’t have to practice people skills and interact with other humans… when like every other industry after a certain seniority in a project it always, always, always comes down to managing humans and human interaction skills. The idea of the tech wizard programmer who can be an asshole because they are a genius at coding is just so tired at this point.


Just because it worked doesn’t mean it wasn’t a bad strategy that hurt a lot of people and turned away a lot more…

dumpsterlid, (edited )

I mean, I love my bluetooth headphones but also bluetooth sucks. Anyone who says bluetooth is a reliable spec we should longterm trust our ability to connect audio devices together with is horrifically deceiving themselves. Bluetooth is an absolute train wreck of a technical spec, and it can be further broken at any point because it is just software that can be “updated” with “new features” that break backwards compatibility.

To call bluetooth a replacement of the 3.5mm jack which has a stunning, decades long established compatibility with other devices is a slap to the face of consumers even if most of those consumers don’t use their 3.5mm jack anywhere as much as bluetooth audio. The point is there is NO good reason that device makers had to take away the option of a 3.5mm jack other than to take away an alternative option. How much does it cost to stick an audio jack in a phone? Does it add like… what $1.25 to the cost of the phone all totaled? People are way to willing to believe tech companies removing features is an innocuous side effect of progress rather than a constant probing to see what bullshit they can get away with in order to introduce monetizable friction into the experience of using a device.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

Some conservative idiot with a camera in front of them called Star Wars too woke and then was like “that is why I like Star Trek”…… which obviously indicates they had no idea about the basic aspects of Star Trek.

What is your unpopular flim opinion

I’ll go first. Mine is that I can’t stand the Deadpool movies. They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree. It’s like being continually reminded that I am in a movie. I swear the success of that movie has directly lead to every blockbuster having to have a joke every 30 seconds

dumpsterlid, (edited )

Not only that but the method of structuring a narrative that Star Wars popularized (the whole hero’s journey crap) has gone on to completely infect movie storytelling.

The Jedis in Star Wars are super boring, the battle for good and evil with the dark side is also super boring, shallow and uninteresting… the only thing that saves Star Wars are the set design and costume/alien designers who filled up the periphery of boring hero’s journey stories with a vibrant weirdness.


Like all fantasy/SF, it is occasionally commentary on real-world stuff, but it isn’t trying to be Star Trek. Things are allowed to just be fun

….except Star Trek has way more fun while simultaneously asking far more interesting questions

dumpsterlid, (edited )

Solo is the only Star Wars movie I have seen that I actually liked, it was honestly pretty great and it mystifies me why it was a flop. I guess because it didn’t focus on lame space wizards?

Donald Glover as Lando was absolutely hilarious and amazing.


It is a cowboy western in space complete with a train robbery, high stakes poker game and lots of evading the law… so what if TLJ sucked I don’t see how people didn’t find it a blast especially because it made the origin story of how chewy and solo met so fun.

What search engine do you recommend that isn't Google or Bing?

I’m still trying to de-Google my life, little by little. I don’t trust Bing for similar reasons. DDG is feeling shady of late. What’s the search engine you all recommend that I can inject into my daily life? Is there perhaps a search engine that is focused on code, or have we just all moved on to AI for searching?...


Honestly I feel like searxng is way better than it gets credit for. It clearly isn’t as powerful as google but it isn’t drowning in SEO crap so that difference is entirely negated and then some.


How enraging is it that this is genuinely the best advice for a huge chunk of the US population, we are the richest country in the world :(


Only a corporation would be so completely uninterested in the experience of users that they wouldn’t have a way to mute or block channels. Honestly they should be ashamed they don’t have that feature, how long has twitch been around?

dumpsterlid, (edited )

Yeah, I do a similar thing with youtube and reddit. I am interested in communities of humans I like curating content and conversations. I am less interested in a robot doing so, even if it wasn’t a crap advertisement and engagement robot.

I am interested in the humans and I find it infuriating how often these websites try to shove what the robots want me to engage with down my throat while hiding access to the humans/communities I am interested in so I always have to click through to see it.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

I mean I think most people are aware of how abusive the relationship is at some level (conscious or not) but ultimately the reason billionaires buy teams like this is if you truly love sports what are you by going to do?

I think the only correct perspective to view this from is that it is a tragedy that something so incredibly important to people that it might as well be a religion, is utterly controlled by the billionaire class. I couldn’t care less for professional sports in most ways and find it annoying that stadiums get so much subsidies from cities but at the end of the day I have no interest in bashing people’s rabid love of a sport. I think it is great, go wild and be totally obsessed with your sports team, it is an utterly benign love at the heart of it.


The vibrancy of communities is what matters, not total numbers. I have definitely noticed a solidification of new communities into places that feel longterm sustainable.

I mean also people are really tired and beat up, in the US most people are worse off than they were before the pandemic (not good). I don’t blame people for not having the mental bandwidth to join a new social network.


Damn this timeline sucks but also I would totally get that put on a plaque and be proud af for getting permabanned by reddit for that.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

Give yourself some grace, yes corporate social media is addictive and yes it is easy to get lost mindlessly scrolling but the important question to ask is why is your brain so exhausted and stressed that mindlessly scrolling is the only thing you really have the mental energy to do so much of the time?

Western society repeatedly slams through the narrative that social media addiction is the reason people are miserable and it is all a pathetic attempt to distract us from the fact that our lives suck because of actual horrible things like not being able to afford rent, being in endless debt, not being able to afford healthcare and any number of other awful stresses.

If you need to blob out and scroll after getting out of your shitty job that pays shit where you are treated like shit and sitting in shitty traffic on the way home for who knows how long that’s on society for only providing predatory options that abuse you.

For a lot of people the only thing they actually have the energy to do after work every night is mindlessly scroll, it is a grace that people at least have that to turn to even if it is predatory. It is a symptom not the core issue.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

This makes my head want to explode. I grew up in a white ass family of wealthy-ish English descent and nobody knew what the hell good food was unless it was an expensive steak or fancy seafood which don’t really need much cooking skill to be yummy, it is inherently yummy you just eat it. Ughhh the food I grew up on was tasteless, soulless crap and every time I have good Mexican, Thai, Indian or some other type of food I am deeply thankful I don’t live in a barren wasteland of uninspired shit food. The fact that people actively desire that blows my mind.

White american food is fucking trash, I mean Italian food is good but Italians weren’t even let into the white people club until very recently so that barely even counts. England should just have their cooking license revoked. Choose the type of boiled mush you want and either add salt or pepper but not both because that would be too spicey! Don’t even get me started on the inability of white American cuisine to comprehend the concept of a meal without meat.

What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all?

EDIT: Let’s cool it with the downvotes, dudes. We’re not out to cut funding to your black hole detection chamber or revoke the degrees of chiropractors just because a couple of us don’t believe in it, okay? Chill out, participate with the prompt and continue with having a nice day. I’m sure almost everybody has something...

dumpsterlid, (edited )

Science absolutely involves belief, the idea that the scientific method is a divorced concept from belief might fly in a badly written Wikipedia article description but in terms of actual science, belief absolutely factors massively into science. So does intuition.

Science is just a meaningless constellation of data points without any belief to connect them. One has to be very careful and continually retrospective about what those beliefs are, but it is absurd on the face of it to say that science is magically outside belief.

Science isn’t a collection of facts, it is a collection of questions that arise from hypotheses that themselves arise from belief and intuition. Just because that is scary and opens up the door to conversations about how belief always shapes our thoughts and actions even when it is in the context of science doesn’t mean you can just slam the door and demand that somehow science doesn’t include these things.

What differentiates science from other things is the intentional practice of questioning one’s conscious and subconscious beliefs, not the absence of belief.

Authoritarian minded centrists always want to bludgeon people with the idea that science is just a set of facts handed down by authority, but that is a lazy and ultimately fundamentally incorrect way to understand and advocate for science. The mistake we made was letting the word “skeptic” be redefined from a lifelong practice of questioning one’s own beliefs to being what some random person who knows nothing about a subject is when they just decide not to believe in something for no good reason.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

I understand that this is a nice way to teach kids how science works, but if you don’t think belief factors into every single thing that humans do in science you are massively off the mark.

Without belief or intuition, it’s just data.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

“trying yoga at sunrise maybe?”

Shitty half assed suggestion but for real one of the original big motivations of yoga is that a lot of people struggle with meditating and “just clearing their mind”. Yoga isn’t just about physical strength and flexibility, it is also about providing a very direct physical practice to make the process of mentally reaching a meditative state easier.

I think it is a great compliment to therapy since in therapy you can talk about how best to rewire negative thought processes into positive ones and in yoga you can practice actually doing that while getting some good moderate exercise.


Bash yoga at your own risk… very flexible people will hunt you down and offer you some healthy snacks

dumpsterlid, (edited )

When I was a kid, I would get up and on my bike around 7-8am, would not be back until dark at least, and just go… anywhere? Ride 10 miles across the whole town, through construction, to the creek or up the big ass hill a little outside of town? Sure. And the wild thing about this is that it was completely normal.

That sounds awesome, bicycles give you superpowers in landscapes that aren’t violently hostile to anything that isn’t cars. I grew up on the side of a highway, I could only bike up and down my driveway basically.

Now I take so much pleasure in just shooting over to the grocery store on my bike. Every single time I do it I am thankful because of how much that capacity was utterly denied by where I grew up.

Must have been a wonderful chaos to tool around on a bicycle as a kid like an idiot going wherever you wanted. Every single god damn thing I ever did had to be mediated through a car and thus an adult directly facilitating a specific activity I wanted to go do. There was zero capacity to spontaneously just go and roam.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

Actually the area I lived was pretty rural, that was precisely the problem. Roads were high speed, car exclusive roads with no sidewalk and if there was one people would look at you like you were a criminal for not being in a car so it felt wrong to use them anyways.

It didn’t matter if there was awesome woods to roam around in 5 minutes down the road, walking/bicycling there not only felt like doing something wrong based on the behavior of 100% of the adults around me, it also was extraordinarily dangerous and just not worth the discomfort of feeling like I was going to die any second from a 4000 pound metal box slamming into me at 45mph (and running me over because the hood is 5 feet off the ground for no reason other than it looks cool or something).

The lack of traffic on rural roads just made this problem worse because instead of a line of cars all seeing the cars in front of them move out of the way of something on the side of the road, or the general presence of traffic keeping people driving from absolutely as fast as they could possibly go, you would just have a car whip around the corner every once in awhile going near highway speeds on a windy back road in a way that left them zero chance to swerve out of the way and not hit you if they weren’t paying attention. I also remember literally being yelled at and taunted by (usually pickup truck) drivers the few times I did ride a bicycle on a road because that seemed to make them angry.

There was plenty of space around you, iffff you had a car. If you didn’t, you might as well have been stranded on a space station.

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