Female friends often tell me that their male partners just aren’t as good at this work as they are––that they do it partly because it would cause more stress to hand over the tasks.
At work, I'm training a new coworker. He's been assigned to create some diagrams that we need for compliance reporting. He hasn't made them the same way I would have. I've been tempted to produce my own diagrams the way I would want them, but I have steeled myself against that impulse. His diagrams are acceptable to the higher-ups and they're not wrong in any respect, they're just not how I would have made them. I need to learn to be OK with that.
I looked for a sampler, but my cousin dislikes most black teas and all the samplers I saw had some. So, I ended up buying 20-teabag boxes of different flavors.
At some point when I was young, I came to believe you could be either smart or athletic. I chose smart. Now, I think that was a false choice, causing me to subconsciously give up on my body.
I'm still on Facebook because of that's how I keep up with friends I no longer live near, but you know what Facebook has been loath to show me recently? Posts from my friends. Easily 75% of my feed is sponsored or "recommended" content. If they're not going to show me the one and only thing I come to the site to see, I might as well not come to the site.
There definitely were personalities on Reddit, like poem_for_your_sprog, who gained a following. I could see sprog making appreciable money with the proposed system.
Why do I suspect that, even if one were to spend 8 hours a day on Reddit, making comments that all were gilded, you'd still earn less than minimum wage?