If you sort by newest almost every comment has been 1 star for a couple of months already. It’s just hard to break through millions of reviews throughout the years. Time-weighed rating system would be more accurate.
With you on this. I don’t like current Lemmy/kbin sorting methods. Most of my subscribed feed is filled with like 5 top communities, but I’m actually interested in those so I don’t want to block them.
It would be great if posts from smaller communities were injected into the feed even if they don’t really meet the “hot” requirements.
It has been estimated that just one of these container ships, the length of around six football pitches, can produce the same amount of pollution as 50 million cars. The emissions from 15 of these mega-ships match those from all the cars in the world.
Which is of course a shit ton of emissions, but 15x50 million is 750 mln, and isn’t there like 1.5 bn actively driven cars? The math kinda doesn’t check out.
P.S. And again Americans with their football fields per furlong :) Why not at least mention something in actual units? I have no idea how big a football pitch is.
You mean the cruise ships? Can you link to something about that? Cause I tried to google it and it seems like cars are still very much ahead of all the other transportation methods by pollution.
For me, it was a reoccurring nightmare that was more of a feeling than some story or vision. It’s really hard to explain, but it always followed the same pattern: I’m doing something (and not in a “doing” way, just some feeling of activity), then this activity somehow starts to speed up until it rushes at an unimaginable speed, and then suddenly comes the realization that this thing is endless and lasts forever, so the speed subsides leaving a lingering feeling of dread and despair.
I remember trying to describe it using this metaphor as a kid (again, nothing here is literal): I’m walking somewhere, first normally, and then speeding up, with walking morphing into an exhaustive and panicked run, until the realization that the destination is only getting further the faster you run hits, so I go back to walking, but feeling crushed at this realization.
I also remember describing or thinking about these dreams in other ways, like flipping through pages of some important book ever faster, until it dawns on me that the book is in fact infinite, for example. Or exerting more and more effort to think of some specific word until I realize that it doesn’t exist. Stuff like that.
I’ve been there a couple of times from random search results. Haven’t browsed it since July 30th and honestly, I’m kinda surprised how little I care that I left.
So if you were to choose the best system for multi-candidate voting that would work for most real-life elections or multiple-choice rankings, which one would it be?