Women are biologically more susceptible to getting cold than men are (or conversely, men are more susceptible to getting hot than women are). Also most people in America need more cardio; it’s not a gender thing.
Boris Kingma from Maastricht University Medical Center decided to take a closer look. He found that women have significantly lower metabolic rates than men and need their offices 3°C (5.4F) warmer.
That’s a huge discrepancy! Obviously not something you can chalk up to individual factors like exercise rates or medical disorders.
If Lemmy were styled after an old-school forum board rather than reddit I’d agree with you, but because profile pics on Lemmy are so tiny they’re basically pointless. However they’re just large and colorful enough to be distracting. Lemmy’s format can feel a bit cluttered as is, and I’d rather be able to scan and quickly identify important info–such as whether a comment poster is OP–than have my eye get caught by something superfluous and purely aesthetic like a profile pic. Thus I’d rather they do away with them entirely, at least in bylines.
Then the years go on, the kid becomes an adult and begins cooking for themselves. The first meal they make for someone else they realize (1) how difficult it is to estimate when a meal will be done (2) how much work goes into cooking, especially for a whole family and (3) how hurtful and disruptive it is when the person you’re cooking for decides they’d rather eat your food when it’s cold and gross and everyone else has already finished eating and are trying to clean up. And that’s not even incorporating the social elements of family dinner time the kid is eschewing. I didn’t understand as a kid why my parents were so adamant about family dinner, but as an adult it’s something I’m really glad they enforced.
For some inexplicable reason, Japan produces a lot of anti-war art. It seems the trend started sometime around the mid-20th century. Even one of Japan’s biggest war franchises, Gundam, features a surprising number of anti-war themes. No explanation has been provided to date to explain why.
I don’t know your life, but are you sure you haven’t just had poorly prepared brassicas? Have you tried roasted Brussels sprouts? Do you hate sauerkraut and coleslaw? Buffalo wing cauliflower? What about mustard (the condiment, the spice, and/or the fresh leaf)?
There are lots of ways I hate brassicas: kale chips (gag), broccoli of any kind (not even in Chinese takeout), and let’s not forget plain, steamed brassicas (basically medieval dungeon food). But the brassica family is huge and there are so many ways to prepare them. Even kale by itself has dozens of varieties, and they do in fact have different tastes and textures. In fact, the exact same plant will taste completely different depending on time of year: mustard leaves harvested in summer heat are almost unbearably spicy, but nearly lettuce-bland in winter. Kale harvested in summer is way more bitter and earthy than in winter when it’s juicy and sweet (in response to freezing temps the plant produces sugars like an antifreeze for the leaves).
Saying you hate all brassicas is like saying you hate all nightshades: you may be correct, but it’s such a huge family it’s hard to imagine there’s not something in there you enjoy.
Mustard and kale are also (among) the ultimate year-round crops. They shrug off winter in all but the coldest places like it’s not even happening. The brassica’s arch nemeses, aphids and the cabbage white caterpillar, die off in autumn. Brassicas even get tastier after a frost. Forget California lettuce; local winter greens ftw!
(Also part of the dead-of-winter greens gang: chicory/raddichio, lamb’s lettuce/corn salad/mâche, Claytonia/miner’s lettuce, spinach, cress, and sorrel)
A psych PhD I know once said of their fellow grad students: “most of them could have saved a lot of time and money if they’d just gone to therapy instead.”
I have never understood that. (lemmy.world)
This is for (almost) all of you (lemmy.world)
Impossible (telegra.ph)
A Critically Endangered Sumatran Rhino Successfully Gives Birth In Indonesia (www.sunnyskyz.com)
Mustard brings all the boys to the yard. (mander.xyz)
We're all residents here. (mander.xyz)