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A co-op is another form of corporation. Dense, multi-family structures should be done that way.

What we don’t want is for housing to be a speculative investment. Remove the profit motive of holding a house that’s empty and reselling.


There’s an entire corpus of books and documents critiquing the current system and on how a society based on mutual aid would work. None of them “expect everything to be provided for free”.


Christopher Tolkien was blocking a lot of things. Even the Jackson films sneaked by and wouldn’t have been made of he could have stopped it.

He’s dead now, and the new heirs to the rights like money. They also have about 20 years before the copyright expires. Which isn’t that long; that’s about as much time between now and the Jackson films. To keep ahead of the clock, they’re greenlighting a lot of garbage and risk running their franchise into the ground.

frezik, (edited )

The dictionary isn’t a legal framework or international organization. The UN has a convention on genocide:

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Item (c) comes the closest to what Sisko did, but he did it in a way that gave them a chance to get out, so it’s not a perfect match. Forcing conditions for removing a group probably wouldn’t qualify under any of these. That said, it can be a factor in Ethnic Cleansing, but the Maquis aren’t really an ethnic group.


Doing that for Trademark law is why they didn’t bother lobbying for longer copyright this time. They could protect their Mouse trademark without relying on Steamboat Willy like they did before.


Helps that HBomberGuy hasn’t posted endless rounds of response videos. That’s how you milk the drama for views.

Conversely, I’m getting a little tired of Karl Jobst mostly becoming a drama channel against fraudsters like Billy Mitchell or the Open Hand Charity. Those guys do deserve it, but it’s sucking oxygen away from Jobst’s usual commentary on speed running techniques. He’s also working outside his specialty–these are American cases, and he’s a lawyer under Australian law–and not all his claims carry weight.


The author in question here was pretty shitty. He wrote his own sequel to called “Fellowship of the King”, and then sued Amazon and the Tolkien estate saying they stole elements from his book. He lost, and the Tolkien estate countersued.

The guy played stupid games and won stupid prizes.

frezik, (edited )

1 2 + 2 * 6 /

What’s the problem?

Also, you forgot my inlaws, one of whom believes the answer is 5.


Automation is red, logistics is green. Factorio decided this years ago.


You don’t need to put algae in cities. They can be basically anywhere to absorb CO2.

Trees in cities tend to be carefully chosen for the environment. Are we in a climate where we need to put salt on the road in the winter? Choose trees that can tolerate some salt in the ground.


Right, you can make that kind of money when you have 40 years of Cobol behind you. But even for new entrants, $90k seems low. There had better be a premium for dealing with old bullshit, especially when you’re probably damaging your resume in the long run.


I’ve peaked inside large private companies. They’re no better than public companies. Turns out, being large means you can’t move very fast.


I’m a little surprised the police didn’t already know about that method. Seems like they’d encounter enough CCTV footage that’d it’d be standard training.

I once again overestimate the training levels of the police.


Who is “you” in this sentence? I mean, I could probably write security camera software, but I don’t, and have no plans to. I imagine most of the people here are the same.


That would be the type of people attracted to programming, yes.


It’s a fun thing to do. I like my setup (O11 dynamic XL, two 360mm rads, dual pumps, both CPU and GPU blocks), but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it to anyone. It’s a lot of effort and expense for a little gain. But it’s a hobby on top of a hobby, and that’s fine if you want to go for it.


Yes. The advantage is that you can make the surface area of the air cooling part much, much larger. I had a water cooled system that could do web browsing and other basic tasks with zero fan speed (though it was better to leave it on very low speed to avoid hunting behavior).

Also, there’s some benefits to thermal mass. Short term spikes can be absorbed by the water without increasing fan speed.

frezik, (edited )

I’ve had this theory running around in my head about followups to any series. Every person has a slightly different take on what their favorite part of the show is. For OG Star Trek, maybe you liked the banter between Spock and McCoy. Maybe you liked Kirk’s swagger. Maybe you thought Scotty was hot.

If a new production comes along years later and doesn’t reproduce the specific elements you like, then you will hate it. The producers might have been ultrafans of the original with good writing chops, a solid cast, and high production values, but if it doesn’t have those specific elements for you, then you’ll hate it.

Those elements are different for everyone, though. The list of possible elements can be very long, and no new production can possibly check off even a significant fraction of that list. Therefore, any new production is bound to have a long line of haters regardless of its quality on its own merits.

Was Star Trek supposed to be about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy on a ship strutting around the galaxy? TNG changed that. Is it at least supposed to be about strutting around the galaxy? DS9 changed that. Should it at least be about interacting with the alien races we know? Voyager changed that. And so on.

JMS made a Star Trek pitch back in 2004. I like Babylon 5, but I don’t think I would have liked his version of Star Trek. The outline focused on elements I didn’t care about and just seemed meh to me in general.

This goes for any other long running series, of course.


JPEG will never die. Too many things support it at a very basic level. A random CCD camera module on DigiKey probably has an option for direct JPEG output. An 8-bit Arduino will know how to take that JPEG and display it on a cheap 4" LCD screen off Bang Good.

Formats that sprawl everywhere like that will never, ever die.

frezik, (edited )

Ex JW here. This is depicting one of the steps in their equivalent to the Rapture. It goes something like this:

  • The UN activates as a full world government, and decides to destroy all religion (if you know the slightest bit about the UN, you can see how absurd this is before we get to anything else)
  • After clearing out everything else, the UN suddenly realizes that Jehovah’s Witnesses are still around
  • They attack JWs (what OP’s picture depicts), but God intervenes to protect them supernaturally
  • Jehovah wins and tosses Satan in a deep pit
  • Earth is transformed over 1000 years into a paradise. Nobody dies, and previous righteous people are resurrected.
  • At the end of that, Satan is let out again for a final judgment of humanity
  • Satan is killed off for good. Any human survivors live forever on a paradise Earth.

Gog of Magog comes from Ezekiel 38. From the New World Translation: "The word of Jehovah again came to me, saying: 2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog of the land of Maʹgog, the head chieftain of Meʹshech and Tuʹbal, and prophesy against him. 3 Say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “Here I am against you, O Gog, head chieftain of Meʹshech and Tuʹbal. "

Then, the term pops up again in Revelation 20: “7 Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison, 8 and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Maʹgog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea.”

So Gog is basically another term for Satan in this reading. Though Ezekiel seems to be talking about a people from a specific place.

As a side note, “But we can take comfort in knowing…” is a common phrase in their writing, and I get a little twitch every time I read it.


Yes. This is exactly the distinction made between personal and private property. The landlord owns it as private property, but it’s the renter that uses it for daily life purposes.


Maybe the government should spend less on avocado toast.


Good enough science to be a YouTube influencer.


It’s a fact that it’s self reported.

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