I had a neighbour I lived next to that no joke the kids used to play basketball inside the apartment. We met the poor person below them once and she asked almost jokingly if they play basketball. Yes, yes they do that is what they’re doing.
Luckily at my new apartment I don’t have to wonder what they’re doing because in addition to the stomping I can also hear their kids fucking screaming the entire day. Do they jump on their bed at 5 am? Why yes. Do they chase the dog around at 2 pm? Why yes, yes they do. Does their dad come home and yell at them at 5 pm? Why yes! Yes he does.
I recently found an interviewer who is clearly more left leaning but he does interviews with very conservative/right wing people (mostly students) and just like, not to argue or anything, he just asks a question and they answer and he goes “okay thanks” then posts it without any added comment on the socials. It really interested me cause like, I can see why they might think the things they think. Doesn’t mean I agree with them, but at least it’s a way to listen and kind of see the humanness in people who you might otherwise instinctively villainize.
Not the same person but where I am there are shelters and community centers that offer these things for free. The facilities are not in as good condition as a gym membership though.
My partners job gave him a couple of the keg gift cards one year, it was over $100 value. We held on to them for a special occasion. We moved, it was my birthday, made plans with friends and excited to get steak paid for by his shitty employee.
Those fucking gift cards have never shown up again. Just gone into the void.
Ok so I have a super unserious one compared to everyone here but I am legit really proud of myself for it.
I have pretty bad trypophobia where I will have a pretty extreme visceral reaction to many different holes, patterns of them, etc. This includes nail holes in the wall so I have a hard time putting things up and especially taking things down. When I moved places a few years ago I tried to face this extremely irrational fear and made myself fill every single nail hole in our old apartment. I felt so ill and honestly still feel ill even typing this out. I had to lay down on the floor in the dark apartment for what felt like hours because I was so nauseous. But I did it. Never fucking doing it again, but I did it and nobody can take that from me. This year I even put up two frames all by myself.
Not sure where you are but there are many “refill” shops around me where they sell bulk soap, cleaning products, etc. Which I love and have been using for years.
There’s similarly places that sell food in bulk and you can just bring a reusable bag/container and get the basics like flour, sugar, seeds, snacks I’ve even seen like margarine and salad dressings at some places. There’s the bulk Barn in Canada and it’s pretty affordable
I try to buy only glass or metal Tupperware, avoid using Ziploc bags. They sell reusable sandwich bags now too which are still plastic but much more reusable.
I always have a cup or two with me for coffee and collapsible metal straws. When I used to go to restaurants pretty often, I would bring my own takeout containers.
The basics like bring my own grocery bags and I also have little produce bags to replace the plastic ones from the store, or sometimes I’ll just go without a bag for something like onions or oranges.
I still feel like I could be doing much better but it’s really hard, especially if I’m buying easy to make food rather than raw ingredients. I do my best to support local places that try harder to provide eco-friendly alternatives, and with the rising costs of groceries, I’ve honestly found a lot of these places have stayed the same which is still more than the big grocery stores, but not really by that much anymore.