The entire term wiretap comes from spying on phone conversations upstream without the target’s knowledge. This is no different.
China and Russia are 1000% doing this and more to anything hosted anywhere under their jurisdiction. The CCP brags about the Great Firewall.
I don’t necessarily agree with any of it, but I am pointing out that changing providers to one who wasn’t in the news is not a way to get around government data collection.
If want something that is immune from law enforcement wiretap warrants, you should avoid basically all hosting and internet service providers.
Read the TOS on virtually every service. There’s some language to say that they will comply with legal requests. The company is not going to fight the government for your $5 account.
Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc all have wiretap and legal discovery tools built into their platforms and have a dedicated team to process wiretaps.
I am about 1 hour drive from NYC and the bus from here costs $620 per month if you buy in bulk. Otherwise, it’s a $40 round trip. There’s also a trains and ferry, and those are even more expensive than the bus. $500 in gas is cheaper than working in the city.
C130s were designed to operate from relatively short unimproved runways. If the place has enough runway to operate corporate jets, it should have enough for a C130.
EDIT: This place only has enough runway (2998 x 50 ft ) for small Cessna size aircraft, so no jets or C130s.
J Bolts for concrete don’t have a head on them. The bent part is embedded into the concrete and would never be turned. Forming a hex head would be a wasted extra production cost.