Google straight up lies to me about movies an actor has been in, almost every time. “Wow, I had no idea Robert Downey Jr was in Mean Girls! Who did he play?” checks imdb “no he fuckin wasn’t wtf google” (this is an arbitrary example I just made up because I don’t feel like finding a real one right now)
IIRC from my one stats class almost a decade ago, the math is pretty simple. If it’s truly a random guess then you have a 25% chance to get each question right, all you have to do is multiply them. (0.25)(0.25)=0.0625, you have a 6.25% of getting a 100. The other option to get a 50 is (0.25)(0.75)=0.1875, 18.75%. So there is a 75% chance of failing both.
If you get a second chance and can remember your two wrong answers, each problem now has only three options. To get each right, (0.33)(0.33)=0.1089, 10.89% chance. To get one right, (0.33)(0.67)=0.2211, 22.11% chance. 67% chance of failing both a second time.
Something is amiss with my logic/math here but I’m too tired and am going to sleep now. With this logic, failing both the first time would be (0.75)(0.75)=0.5625 56.25%, the %s don’t add up to 100% so someone please correct me lol
Edit 2: thanks for the corrections everyone, I forgot that the order does matter in this equation