I posted this as a comment in another post but when I got done I realized it would probably just be better as its own post. I’m sure I could find the answers I need myself but frankly I trust the userbase here more than most online articles....
You need to try it. Don’t just roll it out in your business. Try it yourself before. Get an old/secondary computer and install it, try your templates and workflows. See which version (distribution) you like. Get your E-Mail connected and so on.
I can tell you Linux isn’t Windows or MacOS. For me, it works very well. I can do lots of things Windows users can not do or that are very cumbersome there, and I don’t have any advertisements or privacy issues. It respects my rights and freedoms as a user. And I’ve had way less issues with my printers and stuff than my windows-friends. I’ve never had a virus on my machine. I can’t tell you if it works for you.
I also don’t like selling it. It’s (arguably) better, faster and more user-friendly than Windows in many ways. But you need to find out if you can make use of it. One big factor against it would be familiarization with a different product. Except for that, I invite you to try it.
Wow. 1983 was the year they launched Bildschirmtext here. I remember my dad doing banking stuff with that in the 90s. What kind of services were available in Ottawa at that time? Telidon? Wikipedia says it closed in 1985.
It’s a bit like the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four which some people mistake for an instruction book 🤔
I mean it’s biased when we pick prophecies in hindsight. But she was definitely point on 40 years ago.
I mean, that article is way ahead. I think it wasn’t for another 15 years or so until companies started to figure out collecting and selling data about people and using it for targeted advertising was THE best business model for the internet and network-connected devices in general.
And here we are. The internet is now dominated by a handful of big tech companies who do exactly that. And they provide us with nice and free services in exchange. I guess that’s been going on long enough and aligns well with how humans work, so that nowadays nobody questions this anymore. Obviously you would, if that’d be a daunting, new thing with unknown consequences.
But ‘they’ got to us.
Maybe we can compare that to the recent discussions regarding AI? Everyone is speaking of it, how it will steal their job or herald the end / doom. I guess in 10 years nobody questions ChatGPT choosing what recipe they cook for dinner, because it knows exactly what’s in the fridge and knows what you like better than yourself.
I suppose it’s kind of the government’s job to regulate things like privacy and taking advantage of normal people? The EU sometimes does that. But they also randomly mix in ‘we need total surveillance to fight child abuse’, as they tried recently.
Sell Me on Linux
I posted this as a comment in another post but when I got done I realized it would probably just be better as its own post. I’m sure I could find the answers I need myself but frankly I trust the userbase here more than most online articles....