Regardless of the number of choices that we appear to have, it doesn’t matter if the real choices are ultimately made through other means (e.g. lobbyists in the US).
You’re saying that choice isn’t good and that people need to choose better (perhaps choosing more like you?). Skip the pretense and only have one choice.
The withdrawals are a pain, but they do eventually go away… until I have little a snack (as a treat) and the cravings come back something fierce. Still, my laziness not wanting to go to the store outweighs my cravings.
I stopped using q tips and had so much wax buildup that I could barely hear out of my ear. Was a terrible week or so before I finally got it cleared with a softener and water administered through a flared syringe. I went right back to using q tips as I had for decades before. All it takes is a bit of sweeping at the entrance of my ears for me to avoid that crazy buildup, so it’s well worth it.
A sane candidate like Bush, you know, the one who lied to get us into two wars. The guy who pushed for a border fence. The guy at the helm when the great recession hit. The guy who did nothing in the face of hurricane katrina. Yeah, very sane. If you paid attention to policy, you’d notice that Trump’s policies are merely a continuation of Bush’s.
I talked about the student loan issue because you asked how your lists were padded and fluffed up. You claim they’re such a small part of what Biden has done, yet this one issue has taken up at least five different lines of one of your little lists and I noticed this right away from a simple glance. The only one being disingenuous is you, who clearly has some agenda when you’ve made a community just to hold your padded lists. Would you like me to continue picking apart your lists?
My real issue is how you’re trying to present Biden and the democrats in general as saviors when really they’re part of the problem. People are still miserable and out-of-touch democrats claiming “no, no, everything is great now because the president is a blue guy” are not helping. How about we get some real solutions?