Yep, this magnified lion population issues since poachers would kill the lion and then a new one would step in, killing all the cubs, but then he’d also get poached and the process would repeat before cubs could grow.
Might makes right, huh? I already know Palestine will be completely ethnically cleansed and then israel will move onto taking parts of Syria and other countries in their goal of lebensraum. That doesn’t mean it’s morally right.
The negotiations were argued in bad faith. Israel would put forth ridiculous demands and then lay the blame on Palestine for rejecting them. Why do you think Palestinians are being pushed out of Gaza and have been continually and constantly pushed out for decades? There was never a sincere effort for a two-state solution.
Nobody wants to take on many refugees all at once, it’s very difficult to manage. Why do you think Britain “volunteered” Palestinian land to relocate Jews out of Europe? It wasn’t out of the goodness of their heart.
I assume the water here is doing the work. I didn’t say anything about a closed system, just passive. Maybe that doesn’t count as passive, I don’t know physics all that well.
All this ignores that the free market naturally converges on monopolies and that these monopolies will pay off the government to continue being a monopoly in their respective industry or industries. If the government had less control then even better since they wouldn’t have to pay off as many people.
I end up structuring my diet based on what spoils first, so I check what I have available and generally eat what is most likely to spoil first. It gets tricky when I buy too many groceries all at once.