Density is defintly amazing in DNA, its just so fragile. Even our own bodies have a constant degridation of our DNA… I wonder if they could take that concept and make something sturdier by using slightly different molecules to make up the chains.
Maybe shorter chains with stronger cross bonding & a gentle method of reading the chain could also help?
Its definetly an interesting route & itll be cool to see what happens with it over the next 10-15 years.
Im most excited about the potential for crystal based storage. Right now there is work being done to etch silica glass internally, allowing for incredibly long term preservation and durability. It can even be rewritten, though the tech is definetly best for achival purposes and is being pursued primarily by movie companies wanting high quality storage.
DNA also sounds interesting, though it doesnt seem like a good way of preserving data long term. DNA is very fragile, and seems like an odd route to take for long term archiving.
Sounds like a really cool project, sadly i dont have much knowledge to contribute. Still, what kind of issues have you run into? Any specific errors or problems?