Tinkering is all fun and games, until it’s 4 am, your vision is blurry, and thinking straight becomes a non-option, or perhaps you just get overly confident, type something and press enter before considering the consequences of the command you’re about to execute… And then all you have is a kernel panic and one thought...
What's (are) the funniest/stupidest way(s) you've broken your linux setup?
Tinkering is all fun and games, until it’s 4 am, your vision is blurry, and thinking straight becomes a non-option, or perhaps you just get overly confident, type something and press enter before considering the consequences of the command you’re about to execute… And then all you have is a kernel panic and one thought...
so this might be a little embarrassing, but how do I create a torrent and upload to a tracker?
I’ve been seeding the torrents that I download since the old days of Limewire, but I’ve always download and re-shared by seeding....