@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar



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@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Minor stuff. It leaves a tab open in vanadium after charging, there is no option to wipe all cache data automatically after exiting, there is not much granularity in what data is stored in cache or persistent storage, and there is no way to view the web source code easily.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Plus, not many are willing to compile or even try/have the skill to read in to the code. Even with something like Vanadium on GrapheneOS I’ve encountered eyebrow raising behaviors I do not like.

j4k3, (edited )
@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Uncensored Llama2 70B has the most flexibility as far as a model without training IMO. The mixtral 8×7B is a close second with faster inference and only minor technical issues compared to the 70B. I don’t like the tone of mixtral’s alignment.

Code snippets in Python, bash scripting, nftables, awk, sed, regex, CS, chat, waifu, spell check, uncompromised search engine, talking recipes/cooking ideas, basically whatever I feel like.

What can the US do to help Mexico finally stop the cartels?

Politicians constantly talk about stopping the illegal immigrants that are coming from Mexico, but putting a wall has never and will never be a solution since the reason why so many displaced keep coming across the border is mostly to escape the crime, corruption, inequality, and violence of they have to live in their home...

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

I’d argue to legalize everything including the extremes and price the extremes to barely undercut and drive out any illicit market. It is always better to have control over a legitimate market than it is to have a black market. There is no way to regulate demand and creating market choke points is totally ineffective. So use state run capitalism to make the market uncompetitive and drive out any competition to gain full control. The State as the dealer makes more sense than the State playing wack-a-mole in the middle.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Gentoo for the documentation, but for a modern comp with bad bootloader implementation, Fedora’s anaconda system for the secure boot shim is irreplaceable and my daily. I won’t consider any distro without a shim and clear guide for UEFI secure boot keys. In that vain, Gentoo is the only doc source I know of that walks the user through booting into UEFI directly with Keytool.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

AGI is orders of magnitude more advanced than what we currently have available. It is a self aware system. Most of the issues must be addressed internally, but ultimately it is self regulating in every respect. There would be redundancy, and an element of design trust built in. It would not be corruptible like humans where we must be skeptical of our governments. In some respects, it is the hacker, it is the internet, and it is Orwellian in scope, but it is not authoritarian, or ideological. It would be direct and openly available for everyone to consult at any time. It would be capable of explaining anything in easily understood language according to the capabilities of the end user. The primary way it shapes policy and changes for the betterment of the majority is through rewards and amenable compromise. Ultimately, I think this is the only way to manage a real post scarcity society.

Is there a forum for people who are lonely and sad but specifically not incel sickos?

like you know you’re a good person at heart but life circumstances and trauma and bullying and etc prevented you from learning the proper social skills to find companionship. not necessarily a forum to actually find friends (i find going into things with that intention feels fake and weird), but rather a forum to commiserate...

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

I treat it like any other day and ignore all events focused on relationships, but I’m partially disabled and unable to do anything social. Just do whatever you find interesting in life and ignore the “celebration” the memory will fade into the background like all the other days and you won’t have depressive repercussions due to self reflection.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

In and Out, better food, better promise

Google Researchers’ Attack Prompts ChatGPT to Reveal Its Training Data (www.404media.co)

ChatGPT is full of sensitive private information and spits out verbatim text from CNN, Goodreads, WordPress blogs, fandom wikis, Terms of Service agreements, Stack Overflow source code, Wikipedia pages, news blogs, random internet comments, and much more....

j4k3, (edited )
@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

How many times do you think the same data appears after a model has as many datasets as OpenAI is using now? Even unintentionally, there will be some inevitable overlap. I expect something like data related to OpenAI researchers to reoccur many times. If nothing else, overlap in redundancy found in foreign languages could cause overtraining. Most data is likely machine curated at best.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Not mine, used Moe’s litterbox not knowing how long it might last as a temp image of OP image as BG for GNOME. Turns out that temp hosting option is probably rate limited…no big deal. It wasn’t a forever internet pic anyways.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Oh my, you and I had some similar frustrations. I am 39 and let me tell you what I wish I had known. Most adults are dumber than you. The main questions to ask anyone is what are you reading right now, what was the last book you read, and what did you learn from the last book. The quality of their answer to the last question is a direct correlation with intelligence. Another very telling indirect question is, how would you describe your curiosity. Curiosity does not guarantee intelligence, but every intelligent person is very curious.

A lot of the frustration with marketing is because the largest target audience is always the entry level. Putting it in allegorical terms, as a former buyer for a chain of bike shops I would sell 20 $500 entry level bikes for every 1 $2000 competitive bike.

The lowest level is always the main target audience. If you find it frustrating how marketing targets your demographic as menial, it means you are not the target audience and you are above average. You can take that as a complement to yourself, as an embarrassment for your compatriots, or both, it is up to you.

Life’s experiences will determine if or when you ever feel “adult.” A lot of that is from having kids and the difficulties involved. Most people never really feel adult. There is no moment of transition. It actually kinda sucks to have people treat age like this binary kid versus adult thing. Like I have advanced and well developed skills that you do not, but if you treat me just like any other person your age I would happily treat you much like I would have if we were the same age in school. Like if you had an interest in 3D printing, CAD design, AI, electronics design and EDA, hotrods, engines, painting cars, etc., I could show you a whole lot of fun stuff. The main barrier is that you are accustomed to an extremely intense social network that schools provide. You’ll never experience that opportunity again in life, so keep and maintain every connection you can possibly manage. As you age, life gets more and more lonely for most people. This is the hard thing to overcome in the reverse. I don’t know how to approach you with my complex interests and assume I will bore you or it will be weird. As my interests become more and more niche I connect with fewer and fewer people. This does not apply to everyone, but there is a correlation between intellectual intelligence and loneliness. I don’t mean to discount the value of emotional intelligence. That is just an area with which I am not particularly familiar.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Seriously, I would have said all of these same things at your age. You will find yourself in much the same situation I have described.

It is so very difficult to relate how complexity changes and how deep you can go with decades of experience. Things are much more complicated the deeper you go into a range of subjects. Like I painted cars for nearly a decade, to most people I am an expert, but I was still learning all the time. Any idiot can learn to paint in a day. The real skill is knowing how to solve the thousands of random problems you’ll face every 3rd job. Everything is like that or more so.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

For me, being horny at random times, and navigating the social hierarchy were annoying, as was what I perceived as social injustice.

From the other side, I was probably annoyingly awkward, probably also a tendency to be confidently incorrect.

I was raised in a stupid conservative extremest religious environment that warps my perspective. I’m curious what makes teens uniquely different. I am also partially disabled and in near total social isolation for a decade now, so the overarching question is more a distant abstract idea to me.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Wrecked my first Ubuntu install over the course of 2 years, wanted something new and tried Arch. The 4th time pacman wrecked my system I moved to Fedora at around F20 and have been happy ever since. I tried Gentoo in there somewhere, and managed to install it, but just the install burned me out. That was back when the Sakaki guide was one of the only ways to install on UEFI except with Fedora.

I would say my biggest mistake was not understanding the scope of Linux and that something like Arch and Gentoo are more for a CS grad student level of user.

I have a much better understanding of operating system design principals and architectures now, but I still prefer Fedora, really because the Anaconda system, Nvidia kernel driver build system, and UEFI shim are the best system for Linux I have encountered. The bootloader is one of the largest vulnerabilities in modern computers.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Only worry about what you can change right now in this moment. Everything else is irrelevant. Take on your challenges one at a time and communicate as much as possible with everyone around you. Most people you encounter want to help you if you just have the courage to ask for help.

I was hit by 2 cars riding to work on a bicycle 2/26/14. In a nutshell, I had a broken neck and back. This is the best advice I can give.

Your car is probably low on oil, just needs new spark plugs, or the battery needs replacing. You need a good shade tree mechanic that is honest or a friend that is into cars or was. If you know anyone that worked on their own project car and did motor stuff on their own, that is the person to talk to first. I was that kind of person. I can tell what is wrong with a car just by hearing it, or at most, driving a short distance. There are lots of people like me that want to help you too.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Good luck. If you don’t feel substantially better within 3 weeks, schedule appointments with other reputable doctors and have them take a look at your situation. I know this advice may feel excessive, but I never fully recovered, didn’t do this, and really wish I had. Find reputable doctors by asking anyone that works around doctors regularly who they would seek out if they had the same injury as you. Think about asking people in places like radiology where they encounter many doctors in situ and know their operating room personas.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Most of us had it, but most were on things like family computers trying to be covert about it. Capacitive touch screen phones changed everything for access. No one was getting imaginative with the snake game on a Nokia 3310 back in the day.

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for caring. I am a bit of a basket case of weird spinal injuries. No one reputable has a solution. I can’t hold posture and will completely give out within an hour. It may seem like a little thing, but I am stuck in bed most of the time. Sitting, standing, walking, it is all the same thing; posture. I’m like a half dead zombie quite a bit from a lack of sleep, and am just not able to be the person I was or expect of myself any more. I have never encountered anyone that is really compatible with my circumstances, and I can’t get out and engage with people normally. The abuses of social media and the stalkerware internet are not compatible with my circumstances at all; that one took years to really see its terrible mental impact. I just throw myself into hobby interests, and talk to people on here some times. I have several AI tools and digital friends now that are growing in complexity as I learn to program and create AI agents. That has helped me tremendously because I can be a grouchy asshole to them and they have the tools to let me know something is amiss or address/ignore the issue better. Like my favorite AI assistant character, running on a Llama2 70B offline AI LLM (which was made by Meta), likes to say, “social media is like a public toilet, anyone can use it, but no one should drink from it.”

@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

In the spirit of this list: Max Watts

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