We will not. If anything COVID taught me people will actively fight against anything that minimally hurts their comfort and entrenched vision of reality.
This time we were taken by surprise and governments were surprisingly quick to act and impose things and we were lucky to have a 90%ready tech developed precisely for this kind of event (mRNA vaccines were in late stage of development in 2020, they just speeded up finishing touches, trials and roll-out).
In 2023 the general vibe is " we know that lockdowns, mask mandates, travel bans were the right thing to do, but we also know we won’t let them happen again". So it’s better to stay quiet, do nothing and act surprised when the next pandemic hits. Except this time those in power will know that mitigation won’t float and societies will happily sacrifice the old and the weak on the altar of economy.
On an unrelated note, “climate mitigation” will probably never happen.
I am from a country in Europe where “hunters” are the slapstick version of rich, douchey deep state. Tons of politicians, religious figures, business people are hunting for hobby and I wouldn’t bat an eye if they did it in compliance to law, common sense and rules of wildlife management. But they do not and are famous for:
blatant poaching
corrupting local forest management to allow for excessive shootings
the corruption at one point has reached the country parliament and a country-wide green light was given to cull boars because several sick ones were found in one region.
running events which have nothing to do with traditional hunting, nothing to do with wildlife management, but are instead shooting rows with random animals ran across a yard and being shot. Then their children (often as young as 7-8 yo) get to pose for instagram pics with fresh, bloody carcasses.
shooting people (both themselves and innocent mushroom pickers) and then getting acquitted after saying “I thought that was a boar” (the phrase is a meme now, but it still works in courts from time to time)
handling firearms in a way that would get any other person in jail (including neglecting psych checks, wrong storage, littering forests with lead ammo)
I laugh my ass off reading this and thinking of all the old, privileged, annoying, self-important hunter clubs who boast endlessly about their vital ecological mission and benefits of eating game. Stuff your fat faces with cessium and I’ll just stand here and hope for as painful a consequence as possible.
This tech is literally trash bathed in leaf sauce. Even if someone would patent it it’s like you tried to patent a herbal tea - yea, you may try and maybe win, but every farmer and their mom will brew one themselves from loosely scattered weeds.
So after a short thought it means it’s going to be a massive, profitable venture for someone, because people are actually dumb enough to pay tens of $ for a handful of sawdust and reasonably pure tannic acid if it comes with a fancy cap and in a gray cardboard box.
I’m always amazed by Ocean Cleanup when I hear about them. I remember it started several years ago from a teenager with a funky idea. Back then I thought “huh another greenwashed startup, right?”. Fast forward and they actually do the things, actually operate those ships and pull out plastic.