Hmmm. What about anarchocapitalists that leave capitalist out of their descriptors and larp like they’re contemporary versions of the DK-listening, doc martens wearing, spiky hair having kids from the 1980s. And ancaps might be slightly better than the rich people at the top that use every advantage they’ve been given as a lever to suppress the success of everyone else. At least ancaps still have the potential to change.
Idk if I would say it’s looks > usability, and it’s certainly not gaudy… There are theming styles that are much more unusable and gaudy than the “riced” look.
It’s an aesthetic that idealizes a kind of barebones utility, and while it often will lean towards the look over the usability, the look itself is like a “beautiful utilitarian” - minimalistic, uncluttered, etc.
Idk if it’s actually open source, but they seem to be going on the open source financial model: make an awesome thing and then survive on the generosity of people with money who appreciate it.
I’m no bearings expert but my gut tells me that if I were to start making cheap toys for kids that centered around bearings that had no significant durability or precision requirements, I would probably not opt for a bearing design that was rare or expensive or unique.
In fact, I’d probably go knocking on doors of those companies that do have strict requirements and be like, gimme all the ones that failed inspection.
In fact #2, if i wanted to retire and make everyone in Lemmy threads like this one jealous, I’d start thinking about what other high precision parts probably get thrown out if they fail inspection, that I could buy for next to nothing, and how I could make that into a toy.
Parts of machines are cool. Parts of machines that are crafted to high standards of precision are cool. The toy probably invents itself. Going viral and getting as popular as fidget spinners tho… That seems harder.
So wealthy people exploit vulnerable people and coordinate to fill the airwaves with anti-human propaganda because some people mistakenly use a J sound?
It’s the children who are wrong, all three billion of them. The only ones who are right are me and my friends. We don’t have any justification or valid argument, we’re just right because we say we are.
The creator of the Gradual Interface Forget wanted people to pronounce it with a J literally because he wanted it to use the name recognition of the peanut butter - and I don’t exactly care about their profits or about copyright, but it’s a bad reason.