Work at a dishwasher factory. We used to make a model with windows, they were really expensive parts, which meant that they were really expensive dishwashers for a feature that really isn’t useful.
It makes sense in a microwave or oven because you can check in and make sure it’s all good, or pull it out if it’s done. You can’t do that with a dishwasher, it just runs it’s course.
Plus all you could see in the thing was splashing soap water.
Fahrenheit makes sense for humans. Most of your day to day climates are in the 0 to 100 scale, and every 10 degrees is a noticeable level change.
100 super hot day, approaching unsafe without counter measures
90 really hot day, slightly annoying and should take precautions
80, hot day, more annoying than anything
70, beautiful day, enjoy it
60 not to bad, if it’s windy you could be slightly on the cold side
50 long sleeves or maybe a hoodie
40 definitely a jacket, and hat
30 full on coat, scarfe, and hat
20 multiple layers of out for a while, maybe double pants
10 annoyingly cold, need to start thinking about the safety precautions
0 and below, temperature now measured in hold long you can be outside before danger
Celsius makes sense for science stuff because it’s derived from science stuff, so things like calories and energy work with it. But it doesn’t really apply to everyday life as well. So it actually makes sense to use both units for the things the are good at.
My finances are my problem. All a landlord needs to know is that I am willing to pay what they are asking. It is my problem to actually pay the money. There are lifestyles in which you don’t have the ability to show someone a pay stub, and can still pay rent on time every month.
That is why things like credit checks exist. It’s a way to verify that a person has kept their finances in order and are responsible enough to pay their bills on time.
Yes, but also you don’t get good credit by entering into contracts you can’t afford. What I can and can’t afford are my decision to make.
Just like you can have good credit and low income, you can have high income and be shit with money. It really doesn’t prove anything by showing a pay stub.
no window (
Fahrenheit vs. Celsius vs. Kelvin (
Saw a news story people about people getting arrested for at Wal-Mart for forgeting to scan one item (
Rent requirements in the US are nuts (