Woof, well I was genuinely trying to see the differences but I guess these weirdly aggro responses tell me thats gonna go nowhere. I learned a lil about Usenet, which is cool, happy to be wrong and have that corrected, hopefully u can figure out some way to communicate that might make someone want to help u out with how youre really wrong about the culture and tech of bittorrent too.
@HamSwagwich not sure what you mean re: torrent indexers, you mean trackers? i've never paid, but i have made donation to server costs.
idk how usenet is safer or more private, since you have to download through a server and is subject to subpoena (since unlike trackers they actually do host the files). at best it's the same level of privacy with vpn. free indexers seem like easy honeypots
did a search for a few movies i watched recently and got nothing, so i guess ymmv on finding everything.
@HamSwagwich huh, yeah i guess preference is partly political, where what i'm interested in with p2p is building a different kind of internet that isn't just a bunch of servers owned by someone else, and to me the system being set up so you give back what you take (ie. ratios) is a good one rather than just consuming content as a service, so maybe irreconcilable difference in preference.