Now I want to play a game of scrabble where you play a complete nonsense word, and your points are the number of Google results for that word - lowest points wins. And maybe you have 5 letters instead of 7.
I think we’re all already doing that. If someone is falling short of what you might call their “best”, that’s a problem with your measurement, not their effort.
I used to have issues with anger. Had you seen me at the time, you might’ve thought I wasn’t trying to be better. Honestly, at the time, I’m not sure I can truthfully say I was trying to be better.
But I know now that my anger was caused by childhood trauma, and I was dealing with it the only way I knew how to at the time. I was being my best self, but to anyone else it looked like I was at my absolute worst.
You are exactly who you are, and the reasoning behind what you’re doing isn’t always obvious - even to yourself. I think that no matter what you do, you’re doing your best at it simply by virtue of doing it at all.
Yeah, I left on June 15th when the protests started and jumped into Lemmy. Spent 11 years addicted to Reddit, but once I found Lemmy it was honestly pretty easy to ditch it.
Other than getting paid for a few labor jobs out of high school, I haven’t seen a cheque used ever, so I can believe it. Banks give sheets with direct deposit info, and any tradespeople I’ve hired have taken various other forms of payment.
For reference, this is in Canada though, so not the default.