i feel like this would be a good thing to pick up also if i make something i could possubly sell it locally, maybe and i could use the money to but more craft supplys or things that are needed. ive also been wanting to be more creative lately but im not sure how or what to make, got any ideas by chance i tried selling posters...
Not sure if that’s the type of creativity you’re looking for, but it’s quite common to sell stickers on Etsy, Redbubble and similar sites. Some stores are quite successful on it.
Why is Lemmy called Lemmy?
Reddit is called as such because “I read it on Reddit”
What are the best crafts/meida/things to make and sell? as a sort of hobby.
i feel like this would be a good thing to pick up also if i make something i could possubly sell it locally, maybe and i could use the money to but more craft supplys or things that are needed. ive also been wanting to be more creative lately but im not sure how or what to make, got any ideas by chance i tried selling posters...