As much as I’m careful about Google keeping my data, I have to recognize that this has helped a friend tremendously. He was separated from his ex, she had left with their daughter, and he was trying to get split custody. She testified he was a deadbeat dad, and she put it in writing that he had never been to pick up their daughter at school, never taken her to her regular weekend club activities, etc.
He reached out to me asking if his location history could help prove she was full of shit. It took me an hour or so to figure out the right way to process the data, but then I was able to give him a detailed list of dates and times he had been to his daughter’s school, poney club, etc. His lawyer attached that to their rebuttal. I like to think it made a significant difference. He did get joint custody in the end.
Paragliding is an unforgiving sport: you’re gliding, hoping to find updrafts to give you some more altitude so you can reach high enough to cross to another spot that hopefully also has an updraft, etc.
At a guess, this guy was hoping that he’d find a last-resort updraft in this area. OP, do you live maybe in a small-ish built area surrounded by fields or forest? Those tend to get hotter than their surroundings and are great for updrafts. But generally you don’t want to land in residential areas, there full of obstacles which make for unpleasant landing conditions.
To be fair, the level of support for packages in nixpkgs is inconsistent. My config has a number of backported packages overlaid on top of nixpkgs where upstream is not up to date enough for me.
Google will no longer hold onto people's location data in Google Maps — meaning it can't turn that info over to the police (
This guy floated down into my neighborhood the other day (
NixOS 23.11 released (