Bro, this community rocks, I didn’t ditch Reddit completely but god all the time I head to /r/piracy are the same repeated memes all over again, here we have actual discussion.
As /r/piracy was one of my favorite subreddits, if not the favorite I always was scared Reddit would vanish it… Well not anymore, I am glad Lemmy happened so we have this awesome community, possibly forever.
BTW my account was created due to my prior blocking this community, I know they backtracked that decision, but I am so comfortable here that I didn’t even bother to go back.
I might dislike my natal country for many aspects (Mexico) but oh boy, it’s unlimited home Internet connection and 0 fucks given about torrentig aren’t certainly those.
Why is that final step so hard for this person to believe? All of Reddit moderation wasn’t lying to people for fun
You are so naive to believe they even were aware of step 1 lol.
They just were mad at their favorite subreddits being closed against their will, that and just being inconsiderate pricks.
What amused me back then is that in most of the subreddits I was subbed there were polls where mods were gonna act as the results said, (we were basically running against the time, so there were not very many alternatives for this kind of democracy, I add this note because many people were very mad and argued they never got to nor realize there was an ongoing poll lol) and more users approved to keep the protests and regardless these cunts were saying that this was mod’s power abuse lol.