When we all have pocket telephones (a 1919 comic) (lemmy.world) On March 5, 1919, cartoonist W.K. Haselden published a comic in the British newspaper The Mirror, illustrating what the world would be like if telephones were portable.
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When we all have pocket telephones (a 1919 comic) (lemmy.world)
On March 5, 1919, cartoonist W.K. Haselden published a comic in the British newspaper The Mirror, illustrating what the world would be like if telephones were portable.
Good boy (lemmy.world)
The best boi (lemmy.world)
Bears of Skyrim (lemmy.world)
Elevators (lemmy.world)
Karma (lemmy.world)
Mobile phone (lemmy.world)
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A new library has been released. (lemmy.world)