I used to be active on /r/mma which was actually a decent sub with good moderation, but there was also /r/ufc which was just awful.
A place for teenagers to post dogshit takes and say shit like “I can’t wait to see X fighter get knocked out”. They treat it like WWE, wanting it to be a dramatic story and not the competitive sport that it is.
I’m gonna get shit for it, but gaming on Linux really isn’t great imo.
My experience is that it’s a pain in the arse to get anything running, performance is worse, vsync is fucked, no HDR, doesn’t work with Hue Sync, and then a hundred other miscellaneous problems.
Proton is an incredible achievement from a technical standpoint, and if people are happy to put up with issues to protect their privacy then good on them, but I think people oversell how good the actual Linux gaming experience is.
P.S. I don’t need suggestions on how to fix the issues I listed. I’m more than able to resolve them if I had the time, I just don’t want to have those problems to start with.