You know when you get a paper cut or similar, (not a scratch, a clean cut) and it stings and is really irritating, but it’s not deep enough to bleed much if at all?
Whack some vaseline on it. You block the air from your nerves and get instant relief.
Also use it sometimes to prevent chafing, like before a long bike ride.
Excellent question. I have to put myself in their shoes. I don’t want my kidneys going to… a member of the North Korean dictatorship, or the CCP. Or any of the elite in Dubai. I don’t see anything wrong with my preferences there, so we would have to allow people to discriminate indiscriminately. I guess I would have to be in favour. There are people that I think are more deserving than others. Jeffery Dahmer isn’t getting my organs.
Perspective. That comment says more about a person who cant concieve of a logical rebuttal than it says about me. I dont want to live on sesame street. That said, those comments get old reeeeal fast
Yeah theres a few too many genocide apologists hanging around, but (just to spite them) i dont want them to be banned. Its better they stay here and see the light