Upvoting a post releases the Good Chemicals in the brain. You do this when you would like the person who made this contribution to do more of that.
Downvoting, in turn, produces the Bad CHemicals. The downvote button was famously invented to replace the previous disincentivizing mehchanism, Hammers.
Been watching over the recent surge in fediverse users for about a week now. Last week, it was climbing what i would call naturally, organically. Now for the last couple days, its been like 350k in the last 2 days....
Why vote on posts?
What is the purpose of voting up or down on? I'm not clear what voting is suposed to achieve?...
Is Lemmy or the fediverse doing anything about the recent surge in users, that could possibly be bots?
Been watching over the recent surge in fediverse users for about a week now. Last week, it was climbing what i would call naturally, organically. Now for the last couple days, its been like 350k in the last 2 days....