It looks like they just went with an unusual aspect ratio to artificially make it seem “even more widescreen”, which isn’t unheard of. Lawrence of Arabia was 2.20:1 or 2.35:1 depending on 70mm vs 35mm.
If you look at this cheat sheet, 2.20:1 isn’t even on there, and 2.35:1 is an oddball 1920x817.
So, could be normal, or maybe not.
edit: the wikipedia page for it says
”To give the film the feel of classic Hollywood epics like Ben-Hur, the filmmakers opted to shoot the film in 2.76:1 ultra-wide aspect ratio.”
Yes, I know this already, and the API docs provide different info than the screencap from (which the blogpost is about transferring accounts to from, so being a douche about anyone not being clear on things from reading any of that, much less reading just the blogpost, was uncalled for.
Except the screencap I provided shows different information, and as you say it’s not in the OP, so there’s still no reason for that guy being a jackass about others being confused about the situation.
It doesn’t say any of that information about non-VIP accounts, go read it yourself, and the information you quoted about anonymous accounts is also wrong.
edit: I won’t be receiving any replies from this commenter. If anyone wants to say I’m wrong, feel free to provide a screenshot from the blogpost proving it.
Also, I’ve read through the post several times, and it doesn’t mention anonymous quotas or anything like that. It’s just one long promo for what VIP accounts get over regular accounts.
Further, your quoted quotas are wrong, as the screenshot I provided shows 10 per day for anonymous accounts.
If you’re going to shame people for reading comprehension, you should probably read the details yourself a bit closer.
I can only conclude that everyone upvoting you didn’t bother to read the post either.