This is not a famous thing, it’s just that I’ve heard someone at a past workplace say this.
“Doing the same thing that got you here into this position will not make you successful in it, it may not even be enough for you to keep it.”
To be clear, he wasn’t saying it to me or anyone, he said it to himself as a life lesson he learned going through promotions and changing companies. The point was to stay humble and don’t expect your past accomplishments to get you through future challenges.
Otherwise anyone can just run around with a 10/20/50% off sticker and force any store to sell them whatever they want for much cheaper.
Or they can just steal it, it’s just as legal. In my experience this is law in a lot of the EU, including Germany and a bunch of Eastern European places.
In my case, it wasn’t a misplaced 90% off sticker, it was just that the normal price tag on the shelf was printed with one zero less. It was also a “premium” item at the time, so the price wasn’t that much off, just cheap. It wasn’t just a bunch of shrimp, it was ready made, cleaned, arranged into a neat circle with dipping sauces in the middle.
On the other hand, I had a thing where Microsoft was introducing Skype to a country where the local currency was around 200:1 to the dollar. They messed up the currency conversion, and it defaulted back to 1:1, giving everyone a 99.5% discount on consumer electronics. It was obviously not honoured, and the law was clear, so no lawsuits either.
OP is referring to the fact that the Ukrainian parliament was cozying up to the West, as the West was trying to get it as a close trade partner, which would have circumvented Ukraine’s reliance on Russia, effectively pulling it from Russia’s shrinking sphere of influence over to the West. Also, the revolution that started the open conflict has allegedly had a lot of clandestine support from the US.
It doesn’t count obviously if it’s a misplaced item and the price is clearly labelled for another item. However, if a store leaves discount stickers on some product late, or mislabels some price, they are obligated to sell at that price. There is caveat that it only works if the price is believable, but I managed to get a ton of shrimp that just arrived at a Lidl 90% off one time. Family was eating shrimp for weeks.