A civil agreement between private parties cannot be under penalty of purjury. A civil penalty could be levied if it is specified in the contract, but I’ve never seen a rent contract that specified a penalty beyond the landlord having the right to break the agreement if they find out.
Generally speaking, a landlord has an incentive to keep you if you pay on time and don’t damage property, regardless what you lied about.
In order for something to be fraud someone has to be defrauded. If she pays her rent there’s no crime. I doubt they’d try to get her charged with fraud for not paying her rent.
The great thing about Lemmy is that there’s no admin, no one site, no single set of rules everyone has to obey. So Lemmy becoming mainstream doesnt necessarily mean everyone tolerating a new culture. Niche communities can continue to exist, instances can isolate themselves if they want and turn off registrations, “eternal September” isn’t really possible on a network like this.
Every so often I remember my dreams (I don’t usually remember them but I know i had them) and they’re always really, really bizarre. Never scary in the classical sense, to me at least, no nightmares, just intense and bizarre experiences.
One that stands out is that I was in a cave and the cave dwelling tribe had a king that was dying. I was to become their new king, and the king wore on his head a crown that was the head of a giant centipede, with the body of it running down his back. So the king dies, and they take his crown off his head and place it on mine, and in that moment I realize (via the centipede “talking” to me in my mind) that the centipede rules these people by controlling the mind of the king, that my mind would now be erased/meld with the mind of the centipede, and as I reach for my sword (?) to cut the centipede off before the process can happen I know that it cannot be stopped, is irreversible, has already happened and that the centipede cannot be killed. Then I woke up.