Earth and the Federation was communism. Admittedly an idealist version of it, came about because it was voted in by enlightened voters. But even then the Bell Riots showed that it was capitalism that caused conditions to arise in which the oppressed rose up against the failures of capitalism, and finally end it.
Not sure if you specifically meant something about Mao, but at least be aware of this. It’s the most basic theory of communism that capitalism fails, turns into barbarism, and the working class have no option but to revolt to resolve the crisis.
One time someone said something and I misheard them, so the sentence sounded ungrammatical and nonsensical to me, like something beyond my conventional understanding of the world thus far. I instantly lost my sanity
Honestly I see it in actual historians too. Texts always have something along the lines of “yes, the [insert non-European civilization] had _, but only Europeans went far enough to _”
Shit like how ancient civilizations had invented calculus, calculated pi to several digits, observed the cosmos, etc. but it’s only the ancient Greeks who contributed to history apparently. Seems unprofessional as hell. It’s not that dissimilar to white supremacists who say " everyone practiced slavery, but only Europeans abolished it"
It’s often linked to some geographic or cultural uniqueness of Europe, like how they didn’t have famines or shit and so they were able to be creative about nature that wasn’t chaotic and devastating.
Great point! Have you seen the documentary Star Wars btw? They have some interesting counterpoints on the use of violence against one’s oppressors in the interest of obtaining freedom from said oppressors.
There is a logic behind this, but you kinda have to be a linguistics nerd to know.
L and W are pretty similarly pronounced in many languages including English. Over time, this plus the fact that some might have difficulty speaking the language (still learning, have a lisp, low literacy, etc) leads to Ls becoming Ws in places.
Long story short, L took the L sometimes in English
That is not at all what this is like, completely ignorant metaphor
Imagine someone addicted to eating their poop. Perhaps they are reforming their ways, and for some time they take half measures like eating smelly chili. Eventually they realize their unhealthy fixation isn’t really overcome by this, so they move onto food that doesn’t resemble poop, like a salad maybe
I was half-joking, but yes it was ignorant? Lesbians don’t choose their sexuality, but people do choose to be vegan. There is an ignorance of sexuality and diet there. Also, people do try going vegan, eat some fake meat and cheese, and eventually go back to eating meat because they still crave meat in itself. This does happen. This is also related to those people who sneak in or revert to eating meat because of some cultural or family tradition, or peer pressure from friends. One vegan I knew who was going on for 25 years ate a steak to impress his business friends instead of speaking up to say he didn’t want to eat at a meat-only restaurant. Take a look at my other comments here, I am speaking about this topic at the social level, not how individuals like the taste of meat or fake meat.
there is nothing wrong with it at all
Yeah I know, I have been saying that. This is not a moral argument. This is a rational one, and one perhaps from a medical or public health perspective: the cultural desire to obtain “meat” as a thing in itself is the cause for the demand of meat or meat alternatives. It’s great that under capitalism that solutions can be provided via the market and supply-and-demand, whatever, but it doesn’t address the reason why there is a demand in the first place.
How I know it’s a cultivated desire: it doesn’t exist across cultures. Hell it doesn’t exist within the western fake meat market itself: how much fake seafood do you see engineered out there? Or exotic meats ie objects perfectly engineered to mimic dog, cat, or even human meat? I’m sure human taste buds can enjoy long pork, real or fake. Yet basically no one is asking for this right?
Okay but we aren’t there yet and the vegans who I know who have broken their mental attachment to this meat “culture” have not even been tempted to go back once compared to those others
Good job but not everyone has the mental fortitude you have displayed. I know plenty of people who tried going vegan, ate the fake meat and egg stuff, and just went back to the real stuff for the taste
Anyways it’s not about the individual level, it’s more the social ie the social ingraining to have the form and experience of meat contributes to the “culture” and demand of meat