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I love The Good Place! To get a Mr money mustache account, you have to know the answers to a few questions covered by the blog. If anyone needs help, PM me. I'm a long time follower of the FIRE community and can assist.

If bad Janet poops because she chooses to and ends conversations with long farts, I'm a bit afraid of what a very bad Janet does...


Also, no advertisements.

It didn't take long for ads to come along. Remember the 90s banners where you would punch the monkey to win $20? Or the text links that were ads? Pop ups?

neanderthal, (edited )

Yes, Ubuntu 20 isn’t EOL yet. A lot of those downloads are probably IT staff or developers that are running Ubuntu servers or developing on those versions.

ETA: We still have some RHEL 7 and clones at my day job


I do when it is advertising something I hate. Publishers get dollars for clicks, pennies for impressions. That way I force someone I dislike to give money to someone I like.


I wouldn’t listen to the everything is exaggerated and it is really just fine. We are boiling frogs.

Our economy hasn’t collapsed, so there isn’t going to be any dramatics like a movie or show

Rioting won’t do anything. The GOP voters and media outlets will frame at as anything that isn’t far right is bad.

In many ways, things are bad. We have large parts of the country completely dependent on cars. One of our chief judiciaries should be impeached. A former state governor actually faced criminal charges for far less than Clarence Thomas has been doing. The GOP is trying to dismantle public schools via privatization/vouchers, textbook manipulation, and gagging teachers. The GOP just might nominate Trump even though he is facing so many lawsuits his nickname should be The Defendant.

Right now, the Democrats far outnumber the GOP, buy the GOP has way better turn out. Saying vote constantly is to use our best defense, overwhelmingly defeats of these people in the elections. If all eligible voters voted, things would be quite different


Registering to vote takes less time than filling out the forms at a dental visit.

What does being white have to do with anything?

ID is just to identify you, it has nothing to do with voter eligibility.


TCNs, or third country nationals. People from neither the US or locals.

From my understanding the reason why is the almighty dollar. They don’t get paid nearly as much as our troops and contractors, but still a lot more than they would make at home. There is quite a bit of info about it if you do a quick search.


Also a cinnabon. And a coffee shop called green bean. And a pizza shop. And much more. Sometimes DFACs 1 and 4 gets old.

This is serious. If the USAF sets up shop anywhere we plan on having a presence for a while, there will be some amenities. Even if the base is bombed on a regular basis.


Wow is that an old version of NGINX. Bad sys admin! If you are going to change your server string, have some fun. Set it to “server 1.0. Today’s special is caramel horse apple”

The poor thing is probably mining bit coins and deploying ransomware!


Believe it or not, the woke backlash thing seems to be false:…

Anybody that is a fan or even old enough to know who Pink Floyd has seen that 50 year old album cover.

Anyone following them where they would see that post is going to be aware of this.

As much as I hate the anti-woke stuff from the right, it appears this is pure sensationalism.

This means two things. One, they (the right in the US) go on about it so much, people don’t bother fact checking. Two, the left isn’t immune to BS.


So you want to advance to a higher level and have a broad interests?

You failed some MS cert exam?

You have a review coming up?

Broad interests. Don’t miss the forest for the trees. Learn core concepts and things that are useful in many contexts rather than specifics. This is where a lot of newbies go wrong. E.g. don’t learn about AD, learn LDAP and AD, OpenLDAP, DS389, will all come much easier. In most roles some basic programming with Python will come in handy. Once you learn to write code in one language, learning others comes a lot faster. Some worthwhile things to have a foundational grasp of: PKI and how it is used by SSH and TLS, a high level understanding of common network protocols. Peruse IETF RFCs for that. E.g. if you know how say DNS works, you can manage it using any DNS server software. Ditto http and web servers. You will need to learn configuration management SW and monitoring SW. I prefer salt stack and zabbix. There are many good choices.

Seriously learn PKI and TLS. I can recommend some good sources. TLS is used by pretty much everything to secure connections. Backup server to agent, browser to web server, AV to server, you name it.

Open Source is your friend, learn a bit about big projects. E.g. say you get good with backups and want to work for your favorite product vendor. That fancy backup appliance or cloud service is probably running Linux or FreeBSD on the metal and using something like Tomcat for the WebUI.

Learn a bit about licensing models. You will have to deal with it no matter what path you choose.

I wouldn’t try to impress your supervisor. Chances are, they’ll see through it. They may or may not care about their employees. Assume they don’t. Don’t assume the worst either. You can almost always trust interests. Their job in an MSP environment is to make sure contractual requirements are met and clients are happy. Focus on where your interests are aligned. Happy clients mean less headaches for you and your boss. I would let them lead the conversation, but focus on that aspect. If a lot of clients use X thing, mention that to your boss that you want to learn more about X thing as it will help you close tickets faster.


20 year IT veteran here. What are your areas of interest?

Some potential areas:

  • Networking
  • AV
  • End Points (PCs, phones, etc)
  • Security
  • Virtualization
  • Programming
  • Servers
  • Applications
  • Databases
  • Storage
  • Project Management
  • Systems Analysis
  • All
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  • localhost
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