Just as a positive note… the American Dream isn’t about getting a house and being rich… it’s about the possibility of someone who is poor to be able(even allowed) to rise up to some measure of success in a way that just was not possible or very unlikely in other countries.
Vsauce is like that for me. Ever since he tricked people into believing they had actually mutilated and killed people with a train for an experiment possibly giving them real ptsd…
So then the people who buy paintings from deceased artists are also scammers? They thought the exact same thing…I want to but this intrinsically useless thing that I think will increase in value because only a finite number exist and I think more people will want it in the future.
A scam is a deception of some sort. BTC is open source. No one is tricked into buying it any more than artwork.
If you try to prove the existence of a god then you do not have faith so you are not a believer. Having faith in itself means evidence has no value for you.
Agreed however stimulation was put forth as something that would require evidence whereas a God needs faith which requires blind trust and the lack of evidence. You are not allowed to even try to test if a god exists because that itself is a lack of faith.
Agreed. It’s not inherently a scam nor a ponzi since this rely on lying about how much money you have to pay back everyone at once. Btc is similar to artwork. There is no intrinsic value to it unless everyone agrees it has. Work is done to complete both and both are unique. Both are finite. Only 21 million btc will ever exist and only x numbers of paintings by this dead person will ever exist. If enough people believe both are valuable then their values will rise.
I’ll watch it. I hope it’s not 2 hours of opinion but actual dive into btc source code that shows something that I guess everyone(including banks and investment firms) has missed.
edit: This matches exactly what I said that scammers have taken an opportunity but btc was not created as a scam as was stated…so IS this a waste of 2 hours where btc is not the target but just a bunch of other coins and nft?
If only anyone could actually prove btc is a scam in any way I’d gladly agree… any evidence at all. No evidence against an open source project since its inception 14 years ago. Is the evidence that impossible to reveal?