At work, I have to run a command in an AWS instance. In that particular instance only exists the root user. The command should not be executed with root privileges (it executes mpirun, which is not recommended to run as sudo or the machine might break), so I was wondering if there is a way to block or disable the sudo privileges while the command is running. As mentioned, the only user existing there is root, so I suppose "sudo -u" is not an option.
It’s not that an Amazon instance can be a docker container. It was more that the behavior you are describing is extremely odd for a full Linux environment but normal for a docker container.
If you created the instance, it isn’t likely a container. But it also sounds like the base image might be poorly set up
You’ll thank yourself for it later. Things like this take a little longer up front but putting them off has a way of making you have to work around it again and again until, when you get around to correcting it, it takes far more time to undo the workarounds than it would’ve taken to correct it the first time.