Suggestion: Please only post one title, if the title already posted in comments than instead of reposting it again just upvote it. But you are welcome to talk about this titles in more detail. Thank you for participating. (This is not a rule!)...
Thank you, director been POS never stopped me from watching or liking the movie/show. I don’t even care for most ratings or reviews. There were many times when rating or review was bad but i loved watching it.
You can buy all kinds of necessities cheap on AliExpress for $1.99 or when they have sales every month for $1.79 this special section only available on there mobile app. Also most cities have food-banks or some churches giving out free food and clothing. There is also a community kind of like craigslist but for free stuff.
When you just starting in linux and thinking of switching this can be a good thing. I think its better for users to choose and learn on there own instead of recommending them specific distro.
I recommend first installing something like Virtual Box on Windows than google which linux distros are most popular, most maintained and has a good documentation and community to help you when you are stuck. Than pick 3-5 from best once and install them on your Virtual Box and play with each. Than based on your personal experience choose one that works best for you. After that you can install it as dual boot or as your main os.
Alt TextA screenshot of a file manager preview window for my ~/.cache folder, which takes up 164.3 GiB and has 246,049 files and 15,126 folders. The folder was first created about 1.75 years ago with my system
What is your system uptime?
How long your pc been running for?...
Not such a conspiracy theory now (
What is your favorite time travel movie or show?
Suggestion: Please only post one title, if the title already posted in comments than instead of reposting it again just upvote it. But you are welcome to talk about this titles in more detail. Thank you for participating. (This is not a rule!)...
What country are you using lemmy from?
Me U.S.A. Just country is fine, but if you like you can include city too.
What are your "poor person" money life hacks?
Let’s get a list going. Like with a Target debit card you can get $40 cash back and it takes 1 to 2 days to be withdraw from your checking.
What is your favorite hobby?
Mine is computers, I spend every free second on them.
What Linux OS & Desktop Environment (DE) or Windows Manager (WM) do you use?
I use Arch Linux + i3wm + Dracula theme and DarkReader for browsers :-)
What Linux distro should I choose?
I’m moving away from Windows and I’m looking for distro for coding and occasional gaming. If more context is needed please let me know.
How many tabs do you have open? (
And remember… it’s not a race!
Reminder to clear your ~/.cache folder every now and then (
Alt TextA screenshot of a file manager preview window for my ~/.cache folder, which takes up 164.3 GiB and has 246,049 files and 15,126 folders. The folder was first created about 1.75 years ago with my system
Opinions: What is a movie you genuinely like, that is rated below 60% on rotten tomatoes? (
Inspired by the linked XKCD. Using 60% instead of 50% because that’s an easy filter to apply on rottentomatoes....