Word of caution, if you have been browsing successfully until now, it could be a malicious javascript app or malware loaded from that website that is attempting to scan your network or do other things. In other words if this is a new firewall request above and beyond the standard one librewolf needs to function, proceed with cation.
Inflation never went negative, so prices haven’t gone down. Positive inflation ensures prices nearly always steadily rise. The article is saying the rate of inflation is the lowest it’s been for a while which means prices are rising at the slowest pace for a while.
On disc one, on the commentary menu, highlight the the “Main Menu” button at the bottom of the page and press your Up button. Click on the highlighted monkey and you will be treated to a couple minutes of a bonus commentary.
You think people will wait indefinitely to buy the things they need because it will be slightly cheaper? If you need an oil change you have to change your oil. Maybe for construction that holds true and a lot of consumer products, but 1% isn’t a big deal for most necessities as they are routine and hard to put off.
Malicious javascript seeks to bypass security controls. It’s one of the reasons NoScript is a thing. It could be a malware loaded from an ad. Biggest reason for adblockers imo.
Check out this link for learning about this stuff.
I just had pacman uninstall itself the other day during a routine -Syu. I was finally able to figure out how to fix it, untar the pkg to / and then tell pacman to install pacman with —overwrite.
There’s a difference between can’t sell it and can’t sell it for the same price. They would have to reduce prices. At 1% less profit margins it’s probably still manageable and profitable to continue to operate especially with your costs for the new car parts also decreasing by 1%.
That article is for lay-persons and really an awareness article I surmise. If you’re technical you are likely already aware of the security concerns with jacascript.
I rip with makemkv then use handbrake for slimming down to hevc/aac. I have too many discs and not enough storage to keep the raw rips. Newer handbrake supports nvidia transcoding for hevc, getting some great quality, but I wish it would support audio tracks and subtitles better… for multilingual subtitles I have a custom ffmpeg script that does a decent enough job.
Also cropping can be a pain in the ass with both ffmpeg and handbrake, much less so on the latter.
You would buy a house because you need a place to live. I hate that housing has become an “investment” and we have corporate landlords, literally! Does it matter that my house goes down in price if i plan to live there for the rest of my life? I also said I’m not an economist so thanks for the conversation on this topic.