They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight
Shunting spaceships, hauling freight
Grey and black and speedy too
They're the awesome pew pew crew
All with different roles to play
'round planet Daro far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his pew pew friends
Well, I'm reading and writing about it on kbin and haven't been back to reddit since, so the protests were 100% effective on me. I've had to learn that if I'm in an abusive relationship there's no point trying to get the abuser to change. I have to make sure I'm not under their control anymore. So on that front the protests were the push I needed to leave and find a better community. 100% success :)
I wish I'd known how nice a place this is ages ago! After 10 years I was so institutionalised to the way reddit was, it was really hard to imagine using anything else and having anything like as nice a user experience. So many times over the last few days I've suddenly realised that for hours I've been browsing Kbin and not reddit. It's a nice feeling. Also, now I've replaced all my reddit bookmarks with Kbin ones which makes it feel a lot more permanent.